chapter 12- miss me?

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Megan's P.O.V.

"Conor, you're not posting it."

"I am."

"No you're not."

"Conor. I'm serious don't post it."

"Why not? You tube would love to have another cover up." He whined adding a sly wink.

"No. I don't want to give up my normal life. I know I'm being over dramatic but I like it when people don't recognise me when i walk down the street." I sighed, frustration evident in my tone.

"Fine, but I'm keeping this on my laptop."

"Suits me."

Conor seriously doesn't understand the word no. I agreed to record the cover with him not post it on youtube. I glared over at him to find that he was looking at me with a hint of laughter in his eyes. In a huff I stood up and marched out of the room we are sharing and straight into the kitchen. Food always make me feel better.

I can't believe it's my last day in Brighton already. Don't get me wrong it has been amazing, short lived but amazing. I can't wait to go home, but i don't want to leave. It's hard.

Lysaa is coming over as soon as I get home to catch up and deploy our plan. I feel like a ninja or something when I say that. My best friend truly is a nutter. A few months ago she had us out in the thunder storm, dressed as trees dancing about like lunatics. But I love her more than life.

"What you making?" Anths voice brought me from my daydream.

"I was getting chocolate cake Anth not making it." I said turning around to face him.

"Oh right. My mistake. MY GERMS." Was the last thing I heard before he stuck his hand into my cake.

"Anthhhhh." I whined. "I was really looking forward to eating that."

"Sorry." He replied whilst licking the cake off his fingers. Totally grossed out I walked from the kitchen to the garden. Trampoline. Best invention ever. I ran over to it and began jumping about like a lunatic. I love letting my inner child come out. Makes life so much more bearable.

"You having fun?" Conor shouted at me from his balcony thing.

"Of course." I shouted back, doing a weird looking flip in the air.

"Come on, I'm taking you somewhere." He said while disappearing into the house laughing. whatever he had planned could wait I'm having too much fun here. I bounced and flipped for another 10 minutes before Conor came out and dragged me off.

"NOOOOOO don't take me captive, I thought the trampoline and I had a special relationship!" I wailed while I was being dragged inside.

"Come on, put your shoes on so we can goo." Conor said pushing me towards the stairs.

I huffed but did as he said. He better take me somewhere important. Jumping my way downstairs I saw him waiting at the door for me.

"Come on shithead, lets go wherever you're taking me." I said grinning like a four year old.


"Why did I agree do to this?" I complained as Conor and I cycled up a hill. Yes he made me go on a bike. I don't do exercise for a reason Conor and this is it. 

"Trust me you'll enjoy it." He led me through the countryside as I panted and complained behind him. The scenery here is amazing, flowers i don't even know the name of, trees as tall as buildings and the sound of animals living their daily lives. It makes me miss home. More than usual anyways. 

"Were here." 

I break out of my daydream and notice that we have reached and abandoned field. It is honestly the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. Full of daisy's just waiting to be lain on. 

"Conor, why did you bring me up here?"

"I thought that it would remind you of Ireland. And its also good to get away from all the city commotion. I found this a few months ago, and I just wanted to share it with you." 

Tears filled my eyes as I remembered how dad used to take me on walks to deserted areas like this one. I walked up beside Conor and hugged him. "Thank you. I couldn't have asked for a better way to spend my last day here, but we have to go Conor, its getting late." 


In all of my life I had never met someone that would do nice things for me. Even if its just hug me until I suffocate, and I think I've found that person in Conor. I'm falling for him and its scaring me. Maybe I'm not ready to do anything. I thought that I was just going to have a normal life here, but everything changes. Sometimes for the good and sometimes for the bad. 

"Lys we can't just storm up to her, its weird and I'm not causing a whole drama over it." 

"Megan, she stole Caspar, she stole Tommy. I am not going to let her walk all over you like that. We are talking to her as soon as we find her." 

"Find who?" 

"No-one." Melissa didn't seem to take the hint. She had came out of no where with Tommy slung on her arm. 

"Oh look what the cat dragged in." I didn't realize what slipped out of my mouth before it was too late.

"Excuse me?" 

"Oh you heard me Mel, actually, I wouldn't let my cat drag you in. I don't want my house covered in muck." 

"Look who finally decided to stand up to me. Little miss maynard. Dumped you already eh?" 

"Considering I spent all weekend with him then no. And I wasn't with him for him to dump me." 

With that Caspar walked around the corner, looking utterly miserable. The only time I've ever seen him like this is when he cant get the food he wants. But I can't care for him, he left me. But he will always be my friend after all. 

"Caspar, are you okay?"

"Who said you could talk to me?" I noticed the pain in his eyes when he said this. 

"Caspar, you don't have to listen to her anymore. Look I only know you a year or so, but I will never abandon you so can you please wise up and be the person you were. You've stopped making videos how do you think your fans feel?" 

"Look, leave me alone. Mel means more to me than anything." 

"Don't say I never tried, Cas become the man you once were. Cause I'm sure everyone prefers the old you. And I miss you, just so you know." 

"Miss me? I was never a real friend, just leave me be." 

"Yeah, leave him. Cassie and I make much better friends." 

"No one asked you to talk Melissa. But okay, bye Caspar, for good this time." I grabbed Alyssa and walked away. I wasn't going to let Caspar go down, but now, I'm left with no choice. 

But, I'm not going to do anything. I'm going to live my life and be happy. Happiness is the best revenge, and baby your gonna feel me roar. 

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Mar 31, 2014 ⏰

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