chapter 1

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Megan's P.O.V

Pain. It's all I feel anymore. When a simple walk can be the end of someones life, it is impossible to feel safe doing anything. I was fifteen when it happened. He went to walk our dog Paws, the usual walk, along the country roads when the car hit him. No one understands this pain that I am feeling. He was my best friend and companion but most importantly my father. Now hes gone. And he's never coming back!

The accident happened in our home town in Northern Ireland. It was traggic, shocking, unexpected and strikes pain in all of my family's heart. I now live in London with my mum and her husband Jay. To be fair, none of my family like him and I'm quite afraid of him but the court moved my brothers and I here before offering my aunt custody of us. Our guardian when dad was at work or on trips. She was always there for us.

I spend my days cooped up in my bedroom, staring at my computer screen on twitter like every other day. its hard when you had to move away from your amazing best friends that have helped you through life and all your challenges and battles. they were the ones to stand up for you and never let you down. Sure I skype them everyday and we talk on the phone but its just not the same.

I wake on Monday morning already dreading the day ahead. school. Yeah Ive the brains to cope but that just gets you bullied in my school and that's not fun. I slowly drag myself out of bed to the shower. turning on the hot water, I step into the shower and wash away any signs of tiredness from the night before. Staying up all night crying because Conor Maynard followed you on twitter, does things to you. I lather my light brown hair with coconut shampoo and conditioner before stepping out. I dress into my hideous uniform and dry and straighten my hair. I look at my appearance in the mirror and immediately begin to criticise myself. I was never one of the girls that every guy loved or followed around. Just always in the background, and I liked it that way. I finished applying some mascara before rushing downstairs for breakfast. 

"Hey, small fry," my brother called at me.

"Oh morning to you too," i replied.

My brother, Jayden, is two years younger than me and the most annoying person ever. you know what I mean, when they never leave you alone and pick our your every insecurity? Well i hide it from him and act like I don't care, but deep down he tells me things every day that bullies say to make you feel awful, and that sticks with me throughout my day. Brought up numerous times by non other than Melissa Part. The only person on the earth that I could possibly hate.

I munched on my cereal before leaving the house on my way to school. Just a few more years until youre out of here, i thought to myself as I approached to school gates. Little did i know this day would possibly change my life. For better or for worse?


A/N first story so I'm sorry if it is awful. I've checked any mistakes but feel free to correct me if something is wrong. Would love to hear all your thought and opinions. Felt so cheesy writing that  omgg... 

well yeah, bye ;)

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