chapter 2- Cas?

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Megan's P.O.V

Trapped in my own thought I slipped into the school corridor and approached my locker. There he was, my favourite photo of him hanging inside my locker door. Conor always brightened up my day. I had a feeling that today was going to be different than any other day. Maybe I woke up on the right side of the bed this morning, I'm not sure. but today feels different.

"Heyyyyy, gurrlllll!!" Alyssa said, bumping into me as she passed.

Lyssa is my best friend. I love her to bits and she is just amazing. She is probably the most beautiful person I have ever met. Her long blond locks always sit perfectly and her makeup is always done to perfection. We may not be the most popular people in school but we defiantly get noticed and it's because of her. I may live in her shadow, but I like it that way. Always being in the spotlight is something that I can't handle.

"Wassuppp," I replied.

"Awh you know the usual, dads being a pain and school, well schools school. How about you hun.?"

"Well I spent all weekend fan-girling over Conor, as usual, and then he followed me on twitter at 1:34am this morning!" I almost screamed in her face.

" OH MY GOD. Are you serious?" 

"Yeah I know, I cried for hours  last night." 

"Wait, so that means you can dm him and ask him to follow me ?" she asked with her signature smirk plastered on her face.  

"Yeah sure, if it makes you happy," I replied, winking at her.

With the buzz of the Conor follow we both headed off towards our first lessons. Ahh biology. My all time favourite subject. The only class that I actually look forward to going to on a Monday morning.

I left Lyssa at the classroom door and walked inside. The smell of chemicals hit my nose and I instantly felt at home. I dragged my eyes up from the floor to meet non other than those of Melissa Part. The most popular, prettiest girl in school. Also the biggest whore out of us all. She has her follow on gang, Amelia Tomlinson and Claire Barr. Just behind Melissa in the slut project.

"Oh look who it is. Little Meg. I didn't think that you could get anymore pathetic, but it seems that you have proved me wrong. Excited for class are we? Not surprised, you have nothing else to look forward to saying that your prostitution job isn't working out. Are you really that ugly you have no customers?" with that comment said she earned herself the usual sniggers from the class. I acted as if I didn't hear here comment and continued onto my seat. With ever word she had said piercing at my confidence.

"Don't listen to her Megs, she's just jealous that you have real friends and a real life and she doesn't" I looked up to see my closest friend looking at my sympathetically.  

"Thanks Caspar," I replied, "she's just upset that she can't get in your pants and I'm your besite." He chuckled at my reply. He doesn't understand how much he will ever mean to me. He's been there for me through my rough patches and is always up for a laugh. He's similar to me in so many ways and just an amazing best friend an that's all I can ask from him.


The final five minutes before lunch finally came around. I was so hungry I could literally eat a whole cow. I counted down the final seconds until the bell rang and pranced towards the canteen. I met Caspar, Alyssa and her boyfriend Tommy for lunch.  

"YAY FOOD!" Caspar and I screamed. We are so in sync sometimes it's scary.  

"Jeez guys it's only lunch don't get too excited." Lyssa muttered. We both rolled our eyes in return to her remark. I personally believe she's jealous of Cas and I's relationship. Lyssa and I have a different relationship to Caspar and I's and she may not like it that way.  Speaking of Caspar, he is a little too cheery today. There's a hint of excitement in his eyes and I can't seem to pin-point why. He's hiding something from me... And I will find out what.

We sat down and began our lunch. The usual banter passed between us four. I couldn't help but smile when I'm around these people. They are all so amazing and hilarious.  

"So Meggy, I hear you got a follow from a certain mister last night. Why have I not been informed?" Cas asked as he placed his hand on his heart, faking to be hurt. 

"Because I did not want to ruin your oh so cheery mood with my whining and fan-girling now would I?"

"You know I really wouldn't have minded, I'm used to it by now." He replied with a shrug.  I gasped. "Who are you and what have you done with my Cas?" I shocked whispered at him. There is something definitely up with him, i don't know if it is good or is it bad? hmm...

"Oh stop being so melodramatic, I'm still Caspar, I just expect  your constant and undieing love for a person that you haven't even met before" 

"Says the person in a long distance relationship over the internet." I retorted. "Guys please shut up no-one cares about your problems cant we just eat in peace?" Tommy spoke him. First time I've heard him talk all day. We both silently agreed and finished our lunch.

As we left the canteen and announcement was blasted throughout the school. All students must report to the assembly hall immediately for an afternoon of enjoyable festivities. Wonder what this could be about. As we all walked to the hall I couldn't help but notice a smile spread across Caspar's face. What is this all about? Little did I know I was soon to find out...

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