chapter 6-secrets told

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Conor's P.O.V

I can't believe she just said that. I do not go for sluts. Anger was building inside me. No one ever talked to me like that. The way that she looked at me. It was with total disappointment. I actually couldn't believe that I was walking after her right now. Caspar had tried to get me to not go, but I just had to see her again. I just needed to. There was something about her that makes you listen to her every word whether you disagree or not. Its captivating. I can see why Cas is her best friend. They are just a perfect fit.

I didn't even know my way around this school but soon found my way outside. I glanced around until I found her. She had her back to me and there was a boy walking towards her. She didn't move, she just stood there. What is wrong with her? Does she like him or? Wait, why do I care she's mean and only a fan. Nothing more, nothing less.

Megan's P.O.V

"Hey baby." He said as he walked towards me.

"I am not your baby." I still haven't moved. I am in such fear of him its hard to. He's hurt me before and he's back to do it again.

"You weren't saying that a couple of months ago." He said moving close to me so that our faces were inches apart.

"Everything's different now and you know that so stand back Craig."

"What are you gonna do about it?"

"She said to stand back man." A voice came from behind me. I jumped, I was expecting anyone to follow me. I turned around to face the voice. Conor. What is he doing here? I narrowed my eyes at him as he put his arm around me protectively. I lost all anger I had towards him in that moment. My skin was tingling at his touch and I was fighting back a blush. I had forgot in the midst of all my anger that I had a desperate crush on him.

"Is this your new toy. Eh Megan?" Craig asked.

"What? No hes umm a friend." 

"i'm not convinced Megan, how can I know that you're not lieing to me?"

"She's not so back off and leave us alone." Conor growled at him increasing his grip on my shoulders. 

"Come on let's just go." I said puling him away from Craig with me. 

"You can run all you want Megan, there will be a day you don't have your friends to look out for you. And that day I will get you." Craig shouted after me. The one thing about him, once he has his mind set on something he will do anything to get it. Unfortunately, that's me. Again.  

"Why are you helping me?"I asked Conor.

"Because hes an asshole and shouldn't be talking to any person like that." 


We continued on our way into the school building, his arm still securely around my shoulders. We made our way into the building and closed the door behind us. I instantly felt more secure here and turned to Conor. "You can take your arm of my shoulder now you know." He smiled at me before removing his arm, "Sorry." He muttered looking away from me.

"Hey, come on let's go find Caspar and Alyssa." I suggested. He nodded in response and followed me towards the assembly hall. I really had to apologise to them for just storming off. And Caspar definitely had to know about Craig. He was my only help right now. The only one to know what he had truly done to me.

I scanned the hall for him and spotted him chatting to a few girls. As usual, total ladies man. "Sorry to drag you away Cas, but we have something very important to tell you." I said as we arrived to him. "What are you on about Megan?" He said turning towards me. I stared at him seriously, he really needs to learn when I'm being sarcastic and when I'm serious. "Oh sorry bye guys, emergency right now." 

"What is so important that you have to drag me away from the ladies for." Caspar said as we walked away.

"He's back." He needed no further information and grabbed me into a hug. I hugged him back with all my strength as he rubbed my back soothingly. "Sssh don't worry, I wont let him near you. We won't have a repeat of last year if I have anything to do with it."

"Thank you Cas, you're amazing and I love you, you know that right?"

"Pfft of course."

"Always fluffing your ego eh Cas?" He chuckled at my comment. "But seriously, what are we going to do?" The panic was clear in my voice.

"I'm sorry but who is Craig?" Conor interrupted our conversation. I had almost forgot that he was even here. I know hard right? 

"Should we tell him?" I whispered to Cas. He shrugged at me. Clearly this was up to me. "Umm can we speak somewhere more private than here?"

"Sure, we can go to my tour bus out back." He answered, clearly not picking up on my nervous tone. We nodded in return and followed him outside of The school to his bus. This thing was huge omg like it is massive. Wooo calm down Megan, calm down. He turned and smiled at us before egging us on to the bus. I was just as amazed with the inside of the bus as the outside. 

Caspar and I sat on a couch opposite Conor. I immediately grabbed Cas'shand for support. He gave me a reassuring squeeze knowing that this will be difficult for me. I looked up to Conor, he had an impatient look on his face.

"So umm, how do I begin this? Right well I umm as you can tell from my accent I'm Irish." Well no shit Megan state the obvious. "And well I've only lived in London for roughly a year or so now. When I moved over I was devastated, but I don't think I'm ready to tell you about that reason quite yet." He nodded as I said this. "Well I didn't really know anyone around here until I met Craig in Starbucks. He was a few years older than me but I wasn't really bothered. We got chatting and became really good friends over a few weeks. Then he asked me out and I didn't refuse. After a couple of dates he asked me to be his girlfriend, so I agreed." Caspar squeezed my hand, knowing that the worst is now to come. 

"Everything was fine after that. until I fell hard, very hard for him. He was so kind, caring and compassionate. Then all of a sudden after a few months, he began to get violent. He began to take drugs and drink every day. He would ask me to come to his apartment and then when I got there he would...he would hit me. I didn't fight back, I was too afraid to." Oh god I wonder what Conor's reaction is to this. Total wimp. "It got to one night he found me at the park. He was obviously drunk and started to get violent, but I had enough. I wouldn't let him touch me. I fought back. For the first time in my life, I fought back. I had punched his nose enough to make it bleed when he brought out the knife. I-I-I-I-I had tried to run away but he can move faster than I can." I hadn't noticed the tears streaming down my cheeks until Caspar began to wipe them away. I smiled at him before continuing.

"He got a grasp on my right arm and ripped the sleeve off my coat to reveal my skin. He brought the knife up to my arm and and sliced my arm with 3 perfect slices. Deep down to the bone. He realised what he had done and fled the scene. I had made my way over to a tree, tears running down my face when Caspar had found me. If it wasn't for him I'd be dead right now. But instead I only have these to show for it." I took my hand away from Cas's to lift up my jumper to reveal the scars. Conor winced at the sight of them and I immediately covered them again. Hiding my discomfort at opening up to Conor and showing him my scars.

"B-but why does it matter that he's back again? Did you not tell the police?" He chocked out.

"Oh we tried but he was no where to be found. And it matters because, because before he left he told me something that not even Caspar knows." I looked towards him to see his face in total shock. "He told me that he wasn't finished with me. That he would be back...To finish the job." Both of their faces dropped at the seriousness of my voice. "And that nothing was going to stand in his way." I looked down to my feet and fiddled with my skirt before lifting my head to meet Conor's stunning blue orbs. Nerves were overflowing my entire body.

"So now you know Craig." 


So y'all know Craig now. hehe. It was kinda weird writing in Conor's pov so yeah i just kinda made that all up. 

No idea when ill update next, this week for sure. bye bye sweeties :)

(ON HOLD) Just another fan...(Conor Maynard)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt