Once I was dressed I hurried into the kitchen to snag a granola bar, and then waited in the living room for Liam and Niall to show up. Once again, they only lived down the street from us, having moved in a little after New Years. Luckily I had gotten my stitches out in time to help them. Because they were close by, they always arrived pretty quickly.  Niall came sleepily through the door first, dragging himself in and flopping down on the couch, "S'too early... where's Harry?"

Liam hung up Niall's coat since the lad had carelessly dropped it on the floor, and I responded, "He's still asleep... I didn't want to wake him up. I should be going, however."

"Wait, whoa," Liam interrupted. "Harry isn't going to be very happy if you leave without saying goodbye."

"He can call me," I said slowly. "I just always feel so bad having to leave him when he's begging me not to..."

"You all are too cute," Niall chuckled. "And your baby is going to be even cuter. Can I have it?"

"My baby..." I frowned.

Niall laughed again, and then from our room I heard Harry's voice call out, "Louis?!"

"Oh dear," I sighed. "He already thinks I've left."

Harry came scrambling into the room, only in one of his maternity shirts and some boxers that were hanging low on his scrawny hips. He burst into tears when he saw me, hurrying over to squirm into my arms, "Thought you left without saying goodbye!"

"No, no, baby," I soothed, rubbing his back. He always tried to mould himself to me like he'd done before he was pregnant, but now his baby belly kind of got in the way. "I was about to leave, but I said goodbye to you. You were just sleeping."

"But... I thought we got to go to Dr. Shell's," he sniffled. "Thought you were staying with your Harry?"

"That's tomorrow, lovely," I told him softly. "Today is only the twenty-third."

"Jelly Bean wants you to stay here," Harry whimpered.

"I would love to stay with my Kitten and Jelly Bean, but I need to go to work so that I can feed them!" I explained.

"How far along are you, Harry?" Liam asked. "Twenty-four weeks?"

"Twenty-five," Harry told him quietly. "Jelly Bean can hear very well now..."

"How fat have you gotten?" Niall cackled.

"Not fat," Harry snapped defensively, and I stroked his curls soothingly. "It is baby. My Louis, how much does Jelly Bean weigh?"

"Jelly Bean weighs about 1 lb now, I bet!" I announced. "He or she gains about half a pound each week now, and Jelly Bean weighed 0.6 lbs last week."

"But how much do you gain, Harry?" Niall giggled.

"Harry's only gained about 15 lbs, maybe, and it's mostly all the stuff he needs for the baby. None of it is fat, really. As soon as Jelly Bean is born he can probably lose it all no problem. Not that it matters. My Kitten is always perfect, no matter what!" I told Niall.

Harry nuzzled his nose against me, "Thank you, my Louis."

"I wish I could have a baby," Niall pouted.

Harry grabbed my hands, moving them towards the side of his tummy, "Kicking here..."

I grinned as I waited for the small nudge I knew I would feel, "Sooner or later you'd think Baby Bean would run out of room in there."

"Tiny like my Louis," Harry shrugged.

Niall laughed, beckoning Liam over to sit with him, and I brushed my lips against Harry's, "Your tiny Louis. But I need to go to work now, baby, okay? Stay here and feed Jelly Bean?"

Uniquely Three - Larry Stylinson AU Kitten!Harry (MPREG) {Book3}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ