Author Powers: Not Allowed

Start from the beginning


Hostesses: *Eating McDonalds*
Honey: This is so good!

§A Message From Dog Owners§

Dog Owners: If you find a dog, please do not feed it human food. It could die. And especially not McDonalds because their health code rating in the US is either a C or a D, meaning it is killing humans. So please, do not feed animals human food.

§Back to the Nameless Building§

Remaining Pokespe: *Burst out of room* THAT WAS SO SCARY!!!!
Icy: Awesome, your done! Now we can move on! Next set is by LadyOfSecrets1

1. All the Pokedex Holders will have to fix an electrical appliance each
2. The boys with jewel names, how do you feel about having girly names? I know they are girly names, I have proof
3. Why do people ship Silver and Lyra even though Lyra isn't in the manga? Just a question, I come in peace!
4. Emerald, I heard a rumor that fans prefer Wally over you. Is this true?
5. What would happen if Lance and N met?
6. Red, what the heck happened to your family?!
7. Does middle school even exist in your world?
8. Do people in your world eat Pokemon?
9. Confess who your favorite Pokemon is.
10. Why are all the professors named after plants?
11. Green, prank call someone you respect the most but do it with a preppy, girlish, and childish voice. Include the words "cute denim skirt" and flying tepigs".

Ruru: Luckily we have the broken microwave room.
Techno: Right this way!
Pokespe: *Tries to fix microwaves*
Red: What is this anyways?
Me: You cook with it.
Diamond: *Electrocuted and dies* X(
Honey: And that makes five dead.
Platinum: Dia! NO~~~~!
Icy: Okay, before the rest of you die, the jewel named boys, what do you think about having girly names? LadyOfSecret1's question, not mine! And she says she has proof their girly.
Emerald: Think about it. Names like Aaron and Alex can be used for girl and boy names. Same with Bailey.
Ruby: Lindsey used to be more common as a boy name and was uncommon among girls.
Pearl: There's also Shannon, Aubrey, Audrey, Andy/Andi, Alex, and although some of those are more common among one gender then the other, anyone can be named that. Also, Lindsay used to be a name that was mainly for boys and now it's mainly for girls.
Ruby: It works either way. So saying their girly names is just an opinion, it is not fact. It's like saying that pink is a girly color. Look at Natsu from Fairy Tail. He has pink hair and he makes it look bad $§%.
Pearl: So there is no possible way you have proof that our names are girly because their are plenty of names that works for both genders and ours just happens to be some of them.
Ruru: Well said, boys. Next, Lyra and Silver are either shipped because people like the idea of them being together because their opposites or because other people shipped them and then many others fell in love with the pairing.
Techno: Emerald, what do you say to fans liking Wally more then you?
Emerald: Fans?
Techno: Yes.
Emerald: Good for him?
Everyone: (-/_-)
Techno: Is it true though.
Emerald: I don't know. There's always the silent people who like things/people silently.
Me: Moving on... If Lance and N met, that would make for an amazang (Amazang spelled right does not explain how amazang that would be) arc where Kanto and whatever region N is from to pair up and defeat them!!!!😁 (I still haven't read up to that point)
Honey: Now, Red, what happened to your family?
Red: WAHHH!!! *Runs away crying*
Yellow: Had to bring that up...-_-! *Goes and tries to calm him down*
Icy: ... Okay, who wants to answer the next question?
Green: I'll do it. If you all remember, in the Yellow Arc of Pokemon Special, on Cerise Island, when Bill and LT. Surge were starting to get in a battle with Bruno in what I believe was chapter seventy-four, Surge said to Bill something about collage and getting them out of the problem they were in.
X: Consider the fact that you have to go through elementary school to get to middle school, middle school to get to high school, and high school to get to college. Also there is daycare, and there are some mentions of school in the anime, and some episodes that take place in schools. So yes, there is middle school in our world. Plus, not everyone makes the decision to be a Pokemon trainer.
Ruru: Next; Do people eat Pokemon?

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