Savin' me

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My head spun, and my eyes fluttered open.
Soft red silk sheets.

Where am I? "Hello my dear." No, no, no! I glanced at the wooden door frame to see the mad king smirking "how was your sleep?"

He walked over and sat down on the foot of the bed with a sadistic smile, he tucked a strand of hair behind my ear and I flinched away.

  He frowned slightly and got up. "Is something wrong?" Ok don't say something stupid. This man will kill you without hesitation!

  I gulped and shook my head, his smile returned and he nodded "good now, come and join me for dinner there is a dress in the closet." I nodded "oh, and one more thing. I made sure X-Rey and Vav stay away. Don't want those idiots finding us on a special evening now do we?" I shook my head and he chucked softly, exiting the room.

  Ok, I will not lie.. I'm terrified of that man. I just want to be with X-Rey and Vav again..

  I sighed and got up, grabbing the dress and stripping my cloths to put it on.

  It was a strapless black dress, with long laced sleeves and stopped at my knees. I will not lie the dress was beautiful... But I'd much rather be at him listening to those idiots bicker over who gets the couch and hoe they are NOT cuddling with eachother.

  I chuckled softly and moved away from the mirror, but.. Why would the mad king do this? What's he playing at?

  Whatever I don't want to know.. I just hope Rey and Vav come to save me..

  I walked out of the room and followed spots of red down to the dinning area, gog this place was creepy.. This place has such a weird atmosphere to it as well..

  I shivered at the sight of cow skulls!? Christ! This man is bonkers!

  "Ahh, (y/n) sit sit.." Ok I will admit.. He looked good in that tux..

  He walked over to me and smirked "you look lovely." He pulled out my chair and I sat down

  I looked at the time it was 7:00...

I looked at the plate of spaghetti as the mad king walked back to his set "don't worry it's not drugged." I jumped and he smirked.

  Bastard knew he scared me! And he loved it... What a sadistic man.

SUPER LOVE X-Rey x reader x VavWhere stories live. Discover now