To The Rescue!

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  The city was really quiet today, usually our supper 'heros' cause a ruckus and destroy a couple of buildings.  Oh well, I suppose it's a good thin- 'BAM!' I cringed and watched as a building went down, soon turning into rubble

  Guess I spoke to soon..

  I shook my head and continued to walk, and carry on with my life. That is until a hand yanked me back and chuckled darkly.

  "You are at your wits end! X-Ray and Vav!" The mentioned super heroes came out of know where, X-Ray looked slightly confused  "what the hell is a wit!?" The unknown villein held me closer "something you lack!" Vav frowned and pointed at the figure keeping me hostage "now! That's not very nice!"

  I rolled my eyes and groaned "just fucking save me already!" Vav blushed, and x-Ray frowned with a light pink "I don't like your tone!" Vav gently nudged Ray, and glared slightly "let's help this poor maiden." Ray looked at Vav and smirked "may the best man win?" They both nodded, then ran for the figure fists up, as the let out anime like screams.

  X-Ray had beat the tar out of the blue eyed man and Vav made sure I was alright. Asking questions like "are you hurt?" "Do you need a doctor?" "How are you feeling?" It annoyed me slightly, but I answered his questions anyway.

  Vav smiled and brushed a few strands of hair back, with his gloved hand. his eyes were soft and caring "are you sure you're alright luv?" I nodded and he removed his hands when Ray finished his deed. "Cops will be here in a while" X-Ray looked down at me with a soft gaze "you alright miss 'I-sass-heroes- who-try-to-save-me'?" He said with a playful smile, I giggled softly and nodded.

  X-Ray got on one knee and Vav glared slightly at the brunet "so, what's your name?""(Y/N), (Y/N) (L/N)" X-Ray smirked and Vav awkwardly stood "w-well love here's our number-" X-Ray snatched the small paper from Vav and smirked "call us if you need anything. Anything at all." I took the number and nodded "now we must go." Vav said glaring at Ray "JUSTICE AWAITS!!!" Ray screeched as he ran off.

  Vav bowed slightly, taking my hand in his then gently placing a kiss on it. I blushed and stared at the flushed Brit in slight aw "I hope to see you soon my dear." With that he ran off, tripping over random objects before disappearing completely.

  I looked down at the number then pocketed it, just when I need them? Or can it be when ever? Guess I'll ask when I see them again. I smiled softly as cops rushed past me and cuffed the crook.

  Wait a minute... Was that building being destroyed really necessary? Like, he was just a small time crook! I guess X-Rays skills on shooting ray's really sucks! God damn!

SUPER LOVE X-Rey x reader x VavWhere stories live. Discover now