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Dear Ashton,

Remember that time we went to the zoo and you made this big deal about how all of the kangaroos weren't meant to be in there but, rather back in Aussie? I remember that day like it was yesterday. That was before the band. Well, before the band got famous.

I miss those days. I miss sitting in the garage with you while Greenday was playing in the speakers. I miss my mom coming in and making us those bell pepper sandwhiches. I miss you complaining that that they were too hot but, you refused to tell that to my mom.

I miss you Ashton. I really do. I'll be back before you know it.

Do you still have my songbook? The one you stole back in Queens?

If you do... Keep it. Look at page 21. I wrote that about you.


P.S. I love you brother

P.S. I Love You (Sequel to P.S. I Miss You) {SLOW UPDATES}Where stories live. Discover now