"Are you going to continue to make fun out of me or...?" He asked looking at the door. Due to his cute actions and face I poke his cheek making him turn around and look at me; who was there smiling to myself like an idiot.

"Tell me more- I haven't laughed like this in ages." I supported my head with my palm and looked into his eyes- his dark chocolate brown eyes which were staring into mine. What do I ask him...

"How about your family?" Taehyung stiffened a bit and I noticed, therefore, I slowly place my hand on his shoulder trying to forget about my anxiety.

"Y-You don't have to tell me." God dam it, why did my voice have to fail me at this point. Dam anxiety-

"I-I want to but the thing is, I never mentioned or even told anything about my family to anyone. I-I'm guessing you're the first one." I looked at him surprised- unsure if I should be beaming or grieving. Slowly Taehyung raised his hand and scratched his hair a bit making it stick out in different directions.

3rd Person Pov.

"I haven't seen my mum in ages- I'm guessing around 2 years and I have no clue about my dad... I-I'm not sure where he is what he does- I don't even know his name!" Taehyung exclaimed making Jungkook surprised. Therefore Jungkook swiftly shuffled to his hyung, tapping his shoulder for comfort. They stayed like that for a couple of seconds until Taehyung found his courage to speak up again, "Apparently my farther left me as I was being born, he divorced my mother a year later and they went to court. The strange thing is that my farther objected that he wanted to keep me," Taehyung sensitively placed his hands on his own lap. "It's baffling thinking that your farther left you when you were being born but a year later he wants the kid but not the mother."

Jungkook understood where he was going with this, both of them were sitting on the same spot dazzled by Taehyung's fathers actions. Both of them were in deep thoughts causing Jungkook to forget that he is touching Taehyung on the shoulder.

Someone knocks on the door however the two maknae's were still dazed by their thoughts. The knocks increased until they died out for a couple of seconds, only to be replaced with five hyungs standing in the door frame- all taken aback by the two maknae's position.

After a few solid seconds Namjoon spoke up, "good to see that you two made friends." This made the two maknae's snap out of their thoughts and look at the huddle near the door.

"How l-long have you been there?" Jungkook stutters through his question making some of the members awe at the cute sight. Jimin and Yoongi looked over at Taehyung who stared silently without making any eye contact with the members, unlike Jungkook who stared into Namjoon's eyes. Namjoon's eyes wondered off down the maknae's eyes to his neck and finally reaching his hand. Contact, Namjoon thought and smiled sincerely making the maknae look where Namjoon is. When his eyes landed on his hand he had only just noticed that he was holding him this whole entire time. That being so he quickly took it of and put it in-between his legs so no one would look at his hand.

"Around twenty seconds, we only came over to tell you two about the plans. Well, mainly Taehyung since he left at the start." Everyone's attention went over to Taehyung who immediately felt intense.

"I-I didn't feel well... so I-I went to my room." Jungkook looked over at Taehyung who was looking down to avoid eye contact.

Namjoon and the rest fully entered the room and closed the door behind them. Jimin, Hoseok and Jin sat on the bed along with Taehyung and Jungkook whilst Namjoon and Yoongi stood there looking at the group.

"Ok then, I just wanted to inform you that were doing a Bangtan bomb tomorrow- its a vlog if you don't know. Then we are going to learn our chorography to our first song." Namjoon smiled at the maknae's.

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