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The first thing to make it to the bare brick wall at the back of the school was a massive penis.

Calum and Michael were giggling the entire time, happily giving it a few prominent veins. Luke couldn't help but laugh at their immaturity, he wasn't much of an artist but he could surely think of something better than the male anatomy. When he looked over to see that the couple had moved onto something else, he couldn't suppress his eye roll.

"Illuminati confirmed." Michael giggled, putting the finishing touches on the poorly made eyeball inside the triangle. It looked more like something someone would etch into a desk.

"C'mon, I think you can do better than that!" The blond yelled from further down the wall as he paused his spraying. The fact that they were doing this in daylight both helped and made it more risky, they didn't need flashlights to see but they also had to be aware of their surroundings in case someone saw them.

Ashton was even farther down the wall than Luke was, it left a lot for the imagination. The only thing that Luke could see on the wall in front of his best friend was a mass of baby blue, it looked like Ashton had switched colours but Luke couldn't see anything past the brilliant shade of blue.

It peaked his curiosity, setting down his own can, he wandered off to see what Ashton was actually graffitiing. The closer he got, the varied the colour got. They bought a lot of spray paint but there were so many shades of blue on the wall that Luke became a little dizzy.

A large empty black dot was painted over some of the blue and Luke raised an eyebrow, "Who do you know that has those kinds of eyes?"

Ashton was a little startled by Luke's sudden appearance but he went back to what he was doing without answering Luke's question. It occurred to the blond that he didn't know Ashton could paint, the boy knew he took art but he hadn't expected Ashton to be extraordinary at it.

Just looking at the large eye now, it was a pale shade of blue with darker shades mixed in. Ashton even managed to make the entire thing look glassy, it looked real. It took him a few seconds to realize where he'd seen that eye before, he must have seen it everyday. All he had to do was look in the mirror.

"Wow," the blond breathed, eyes flickering to every different shade of blue within his eye, there was just so many. No one really thinks about how their eye looks to everyone else, Luke realized. Sure, his eyes were desired because they were light blue but he didn't know there was such beauty within it.

Ashton had moved onto the other eye, the outline was set but you could tell it was a little rounder than the other. Ashton cursed quietly when he noticed as well.

"Wait, let me pick the colours!" Luke exclaimed, already running off toward one of the bags. It took him a while to collect what he wanted but the smile on his face never left.

He set the spray paint up in the order he though Ashton would use them, they were all pretty neutral colours except the brilliant green that look had picked up at first by accident. It seemed to fit though and Ashton raised an eyebrow at Luke's giddiness.

"Who has green and brown eyes?" Ashton asked with a slight frown as he scooped up a light leathery colour and inspected it.

"I'd say it's more of a hazel with a bit of green in it." Luke corrected, quickly instructing Ashton which colours would go where, using his already painted eye as a sort of guide. Ashton looked a bit curious when he picked up the first colour in the line up but nodded. Luke waved him off and headed back to his section of the wall which was still unpainted.

He just didn't know what to put, it was illegal and they were doing it for a laugh but now that he saw Ashton's section his would look pale in comparison either way. He did fill it, with letters that looked terribly written, words that formed crooked sentences, with thoughts that filled his head. When he stepped back, discarding his sixth empty paint can, it looked like nothing more than a jumbled mess, almost indistinguishable to read. Luke could read it though, and that's all that mattered in this moment.

The colours and sizes of words varied greatly, each framed by a series of lines to keep them from crashing into the next. Luke had written a masterpiece, it looked kind of like something you'd see on the Internet, somewhere where it existed only online.

When looking at the words all at once, not a single one made sense. But when you're eyes focused on a smaller picture, you were able to read and see that it was not all one big word vomit, each box contained a quote, a sentence that had stuck in Luke's mind since the moment he's heard it.

Some were inspirational, taken from one of the great's lips, others were nothing more than something someone mumbled to him with a bottle nearly pressed to their lips. One had been heard in a boring lecture from a teacher that Luke only caught snippets from. A few were said to him with love dripping from their tone, others were spat with such malice that Luke couldn't believe it was possible.

It didn't matter who had said it; friends, family, the famous, the nobodies, the forgotten, the clinically insane. The words and sentences were lodge into the ridges of his brain and they were there to stay.

When Ashton walked up to him with black paint splattered across his fingertips, Luke smiled. When the blond wrapped an arm around Ashton's waist and they both turned to admire the mess that Luke had contained with in the wall, not a word was spoken. Nothing had to be said between the two, the words next to the large mismatch eyes spoke in its own language.

When Michael and Calum walked up to them hand in hand, with a large array of crappy graffiti behind them and Michael talking about taking a piss the size of the world's longest waterfall along with the fact that an old lady had been watching them spray paint each other's asses for the past seven minutes, they decided to leave.

In the last moments of daylight, with a bag of empty spray cans in hand and his mates on either side of him, Luke looked back at the wall. A layer of sweat had accumulated on his body and mixed with paint, and he felt exhaustion taking over him, he was dead happy though, nothing seemed more right in this moment.

A single quote suck out against the old brick wall when he looked back, off centre and in the darkest blue they'd bought. It was something that Luke couldn't remember where he'd heard or read it but it stuck in his mind and he could figure out why.

Become who you are.

Let's be Cliché || LashtonTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon