Intimidation is Key

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A/N: Hello once again, how're you?

The ending to Actors fucked me up.

Getting the car wasn't part of Ashton's school routine but when his mother tossed him the keys in her way out the door, he wasn't exactly complaining.

Ashton: Puke, I've got the car today. Up for a coffee run before school?

Luke: Surprise me

Luke: Today is the big day

Ashton: What are you going on about?

Luke: Phase 3 of the plan

Luke: We've got to move forward with the plan

Luke: Y'know? Public hand holding on the DL?

Luke: I'm also coming over after school to add more phases to the plan

Luke: I've got like six more to add

Ashton: My my, that's a big plan you've got there.

Luke: stfu are you picking me up or not?

Ashton: What does DL mean?

Ashton: Seriously, I need to know


Ashton: You can walk to school then

Luke: Down Low -.-

Ashton: I'll be there in a few : )

Sighing, Ashton got dressed in a rush and bid farewell to his goldfish, Magikarp. Just like the name indicated, it was about as useless as the Pokémon. But it was a gift from Harry, and Ashton could never get rid of something Harry had given him.

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"Phase three," Luke said as soon as he had entered the vehicle, holding up the appropriate amount of fingers. "We hold hands but we try to be super secretive about it, which means if we get caught we have to be super bashful about it."

Ashton nodded enthusiastically, even though there was a sickness raising up his throat that he couldn't shake off, he had the feeling something was going to go wrong.

Luke was very specific about his coffee order, or should he say orders because Luke was getting more than one coffee. He told Ashton not to worry about it when he asked, because Ashton was already getting Michael and Calum coffee. Ashton knew Luke had other friends but he'd ordered two drinks more than the amount of friends he had, plus his own coffee.

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Luke had disappeared before Ashton could ask about the specifics of the plan so he didn't know what to expect. Ashton was experienced in relationships, he'd been in quite a few but Luke was making the whole a weird experience for him. Ashton was beginning to wonder if Luke had ever been in a relationship, because it was like he was getting relationship specifics from sappy movies.

"Hey, I got you guys coffee." Ashton greeted when he spotted his friends seated on one of the benches outside the school. He handed a coffee to each of them.

"Close," Michael mumbled, taking Calum's coffee and replacing it with the one he had. "But Calum's the one that takes it black."

Calum sipped the new coffee and exaggerated his appraisal, "Like my soul." Michael did a double take, not expecting that from his boyfriend.

"Michael's all the sugar I need," Calum added, snuggling into Michael's side while sipping more of his coffee.

Ashton made faux gagging noises, "If I had any other friends I would have left,"

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