43. One Day (Part 2)

Start from the beginning

"Whyyy?" You slightly wined.

You looked straight at him, trying not to trip over as your feet wobbled.

"Listen, tomorrow there will be some guys who will take you to a car. The'll say your going to a "safe' place." He said, emphasizing the word 'safe' with his fingers.

You tilted your head. "Why "safe" like this?" You asked, doing the same with your fingers.

He ignored your question. "You'll need to scare them away with a gun hidden in one of the seats. Listen, if it's a Honda, the gun will be on the right. If it's a Toyota, the gun will be on the left."

You nodded.

"And if they ask about me...?" He asked.

You're vision started to fade. "I don't know you..." You said, finishing his sentence.

He smiled. "Good girl..."

With that, you started to topple over, having your vision go completely black. Lucifer caught you in his arms and hugged you tight, softly running his hands through your hair.

"Good girl..."


You woke up in your bed, feeling the headache from yesterday. Footsteps could be heard heading to your room. Rika entered.

"Oh Y/n! Your home. I didn't realize. You were gone so long yesterday and I kinda fell asleep waiting for you. Where were you anyway?" She gasped. "You didn't do "it" did you?!?!"

You blinked. "No! That wasn't it! I just..." You froze, remembering everything from yesterday. "I uh... traffic." You said, staring off into space.

Rika raised an eyebrow. "Y/n... There's literally never traffic at night... the streets are always empty by then."

You blushed. "I uh... lost my keys... at the restaurant... lock...smith... um... so YE." You said, trying to come up with a better story than 'The guy I dated turned out to be a lying thief and I ran over him after the shooting at the restaurant and now people are after me and he gave me some sort of sleep medication to tell me what to do...' Cause that's totally believable...

Rika smirked. "Whats he like?! That Haraku of yours!" She squealed.

You blinked, still lost in thought. "I don't know... but it wasn't Haraku..."

Rika raised an eyebrow. "What? Wait wait wait! What happened?!"

"I... I can't tell you." You said. "I'll just get to work!" You said, rushing to get out the door.

Rika blinked, before smiling. "She is so in love..."

Once you got to work, you sighed, not being able to get your mind off that stranger... 'What did he say his name was? Lucifer...?'

*cough cough"

You looked up to see a few men in suits and sunglasses, at your front desk. "Hello, how may I help you?" You asked politely.

The men took out a certified badge.

"I'm sorry ma'am, but I'm afraid your going to have to come with us..."

You gulped.

They led you to a car, asking you to get in. You had no choice but to agree, so you observed the car. 'This is a Toyota right...? Man, I'm bad with cars...'

As soon as you were in, the men started to drive.

"So... you know Lucifer, correct?"

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