The Father-Daughter Dance

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Emerald had no idea how she had ended up on the stupid marble staircase, but then, there she was, right smack on top, in the middle of the damn thing.

One second she had been leaving the restroom, the next wandering through halls all over the second floor where the bathrooms were located, and finally staring back at a crowd of people that gaped at her like shit on a windshield.

How the hell had she messed up the simple act of finding her own way back to the ball!?

Emerald wanted to face palm herself for being so carless. She really needed to work on her directional skills. At least, she thought sourly, she had made it back to the ball.

Emerald couldn’t help but stand frozen in place on the top of the stairs doing her best not to fidget with all of the looks she was getting from the guests bellow her. 

Did she have something on her dress? Why was everyone staring at her? She felt her breathing hitch and her pulse start to race as panic started to take hold of her nerves. Emerald had never felt the urge to throw up more powerfully in her life than now. Emerald’s head swam, her vision blurring, and her legs wobbled as she started to feel faint. 

A movement at the foot of the stairs drew her attention and she felt her emotions calm instantly when she recognized the man before her. Smiling like a fool as her father stepped away from the crowd and up some of the stairs, holding out one of his hands ready for her to take. Emerald wanted nothing more then to fly into her daddy’s arms like a child as he smiled encouragingly at her. 

Wanting to make him proud to call her his daughter she resisted the urge to flat-out sprint to him and gathered her courage, facing the gathering defiantly as they looked at her like she was part of the dinner show. 

Emerald steeled herself, putting on a brave and collected face as instincts took over. Emerald vaguely felt herself slid her slim fingers onto the cool stone banister, like an out-of-body experience. One last deep breath and Emerald made her decent to the silent watchful eyes of thousands.

Step by step she drew nearer to her fathers open palm, praying all the while that she didn’t screw up by tripping and falling on her face in front of everyone. She reached her father gently taking his hand. Angelo heard a slight sigh of relief and his face broke into a smile as his daughter looked at him gratefully. He nodded his head towards her showing he was very proud of her courage as he lead her to the center of the dance floor and the band started up a slow waltz. 

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 To say the least Ren felt like he had been dealt a handicapping blow when he laid eyes on the girl he was sure he would never see again.

When the room had quitted suddenly Ren had turned around expecting to see the boogie man if anything, nothing however, prepared him for the sight he saw on the stair well.

She was an angel.

Her hair framed her lovely face as soft light from the chandeliers bounced off it creating a halo effect. Ren stared enchanted as she took in the room below her with a composed air about her, she stood tall and poised, Ren wondered what she was thinking just then.

A movement to his right startled him as he gave way for Angelo. What was he doing?

Ren watched as Angelo climbed three of the marble stairs and then watched in a daze as Angelo held his hand out for this ethereal creature to take. Ren looked back to the girl only to have the breath knocked from him as he took in her smiling face, her eyes sparkling with mirth. He watched in awe as she placed her delicate hand on the banister and made a slow decent like an enchanted princess out of a fairytale.

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