The Cavern

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Here's More! Michael as shown above! That BOD though!!! ❤️❤️❤️

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The Cavern was part bar, part night club turned lounge during the day. The owner Micheal was a good friend of Ren's and Ciro, reserving the VIP room for the boys even on short notice.

Tonight the club was packed and the bar upstairs was just as crowded.

The boys entered through the closely guarded bouncer doors in the front without waiting in line, the line sent up sounds of complaints while the security knew full well who these men were and pushed them inside with no hastle.

As Ren surveyed the crowed a hand closed over his shoulder. Micheal.

"Lorenzo Domenico when was the last time i saw your ugly face?" A loud voice drawled.

If Ren was ugly then Micheal was the hunchback of Notre Dame. Micheal had dark chocolate locks that curled naturally a little past his ears. Dark stubble dotted his chin and cheeks making him appear older then the 25 years he was. He was built like bouncer with the personality of the Cheshire cat. Usually laid back and care free the only thing that could get under his skin was his business and beautiful women.

"The back room is free and the others are already waiting for you and Ciro." Micheal told Ren while nodding his head politely at Ciro acknowledging him with the smallest of gestures.

"Well then you know where to find us Micheal." Ren patted his friends shoulder and went off to the back tailed by Ciro.

"Sir there seems to be a problem in the front." A security guard said.

"What kind of problem?" Micheal was used to random problems coming up at The Cavern this was no different from every night.

"A female problem sir." The guard smirked. Micheal always handled female related problems within the club personally it was like an entertainment for him a game. The girls didn't stand a chance against him.

* * * * *

"Emerald! What are we doing here!?" A strangled choke of a voice said heatedly in excitement.

Esmeralda turned around to face her worried friend Sara with a smile resembling a million bucks.

"I'm taking us to a club! What else?" Emerald said spinning around with her arms spread wide open as she laughed into the night almost as if to challenge it. Throw anything you've got at me world! She seemed to laugh. Sara shook her head and smiled catching onto Emeralds mischief.

"So you suddenly move to America, only to come back to Italy and kidnap me to take me to a club on your first night home?" Sara asked incredulously a look of disbelief clear in her eyes.

"Hey, i haven't seen you in 6 years and I come back home and ask for a night out at the newest hottest club in Italy and this is how you repay me? With questions and protests?" Emerald teased.

Sara shot her a glare then rolled her eyes.

"You know what screw it! Welcome home my wonderful partner in crime! I've missed you!" Sara jumped into Emeralds arms and they took off for the long line that snaked out around the corner of the hottest club in town The Cavern.

* * * * *

"I take it you all heard?" Ren addressed the pack of men in front of him.

"Dante?" Ciro called.

"Present." Dante called from one of the white sofa's.


"Fuck off I'm here." Felix was face planted into one of the coaches, he looked damn comfortable and like he wasn't moving any time soon.

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