Cinderella Escape

Start from the beginning

The exception's to that rule was a well-known guy friend of close friends you saw on daily basis and men who had obvious interest in the same sex as their own.

Emerald held out her small, slim hand to the man giving him a small smile as he took it within his large hands that dwarfed her own easily.

"Mischief. Mischief Croft." Emerald said smoothly. She and Sara had decided long ago on the alias they would use at the club and any strange shady place. Emerald was Mischief Jones and Sara was Katnis Steele, Sara was a big fan of the Hunger Games, her name had been a tribute to her hero Katnis.

"Ciro. Ciro Domenico." Ciro wanted to hold Mischief's hand forever, her skin cool and soft like silky satin. All to soon Emerald pulled her hand away and Ciro was left with an empty hand that felt hallow and with no purpose without hers. She had felt all to right to Ciro.

"Thank you for the drinks signore." Emerald said politely before turning to Sara and nodding at the dance floor. Sara gave her a toothy grin and just about yanked Emeralds arm out of her socket as she was dragged to the center of the mess of heated bodies. Ciro watched the girl's disappear like melting snow on a warm day.

Her name was Mischief...

* * * * *

Ren was on the dance floor, the bouncy beat flooded into his ears and caused his body to move before he could even really process his own movements. Hoards of female bodies thrashed against his desperately trying to win his attention. Ren had been eyeing up a cute blonde for an hour now taking his time at luring her away from the floor and into a cab with him.

The blonde slid her body up and down Ren attempting to be sexy. To much makeup, to short a skirt and to low a shirt with two big boobs. The chick screamed easy, Ren was in no mood for actually trying to lure in something better like a first time clubber or pretty wall flower. Ren enjoyed toying with them only to leave them for dead in the morning.

Lights flashed in irregular patterns across the floor, a crowd in the center of the floor just in front of Ren was pushed into a small circle as they continued to dance around two new members. It was the girl Ren had seen earlier he recognized.

The girl moved with the grace of a prima ballerina with all the menace of an expert clubber. Her blonde friend wasn't to bad either. Together they drew the eyes of all the near by men as they rotated their hips sexily to a slower mix of trance music. They looked liked they wanted to be taken away and taught an R rated lesson by a concerned male within the club. The girl's were begging to be fucked.

Ren felt his body start to move towards the girls. Well some one had to do it didn't they? Beside's Ren had yet to see the face of the girl from before, he was determined to catch a glimpse of her up close at last. Ren saw her drop down low before bringing it up seductively, inviting him to take a bite.

Ren tried to control his man parts from bursting out of his control and out of his pants. He wasn't hard but he was getting there quickly. Ren bit his tongue to resist the urge of grabbing the girl cave man style with a painful sting of fresh blood exploding in his mouth.

* * * * *

Emerald had been at the club for 8 hours now. She had gotten in line at 10, entered at 12 and had danced till 6am. She was exhausted her energy drained. Emerald looked over at Sara who was looking the same as Esmeralda. Tired.

This time it was Emerald who took Sara's hand and dragged her to the front door of the club, the half alive Sara made no move to stop her or complain about staying a little longer, she had long passed the stage of passing out on her feet but she was a trouper and held her heavy eye lids open as Emerald pulled her to the empty street corner.

The line that had once been there outside The Cavern was gone now and only a small line of yellow taxi cabs remained waiting to take clubbers who still had money left over from an eventful dance filled night back home safely.

Emerald open the door of one of the parked cabs guiding the barley awake Sara inside gently. She was about to slide in herself when she felt a hand on her thin forearm. Emerald turned around giving the hand holding her a solid glare then turning it on the owner of said hand. She was in no mood to be hit on or hassled into talking just as she was leaving.

"Take it." The man holding Emeralds arm said handing her something before helping her into the cab. Before it could drive off away from the club the man ran around to the front window of the cab and knocked on the window twice. He handed the cab driver 200 dollars.

"Take the girl's home for me." He said simply.

Emerald watched from inside the cab as it pulled away from the man on the street. He waved once, watching the cab drive off down the long road. Emerald looked down at what he had given her.

A neat white card with beautiful handwriting in black ink had a name written down on it along with a number, tucked behind the card was a scarlet rose and 2 crisp 100 dollar bills.

Emerald remembered his face then. It was the bouncer, or well, the man who had come out after the bouncer had tried to shoo away Sara and herself.

Emerald didn't feel like thinking about anything that wasn't sleep related that night, she gave the cab driver directions and then slipped into a coma next to her already dead-to-the-world best friend. They leaned on each other cutely as they slept in the back of the cab safe and secure, with only each other by their sides, just as they liked it.

* * * * *

Micheal stood in the street for awhile looking after the girl's retreating yellow cab. She was gone. He had been trying to find her all night only to see her leaving the club with her sleepy friend just as he was about to give up.

He had meant to give the girl back her money she had 'bribed' Micheal with to get into the club, a simple rose and card tucked away safely on his person as he ran out of the club in a rush to reach her.

She had just started to get into a cab when he felt himself reach for her arm and grab her, little shocks of pleasurable sparks tingled Micheal's hand where he touched her bare skin and shoot up his arm.

"Take this." Micheal heard himself say. It was like he was having an out of body experience he didn't feel fully functional around her but without her he felt initially incomplete it was becoming a constant contradictory mental battle within his head for Micheal.

He shook his head to clear his thoughts lowering his hand from a wave as the yellow car drove out of his sight.

"I take it i just missed her?" Ciro said shutting the doors to the club behind him softly. Micheal nodded sadly at his friend Ciro.

The sky's had started to turn a light pink and purple and the birds had started up their usual morning melody breaking the silence of night and welcoming the beginning of dawn.

"Smoke?" Ren asked the two men in front of him. He felt it silly they were all gathered outside on the chilly street corner fawning after some girl like love sick fools.

Micheal nodded and Ren handed him a bleached white stick, Ciro refused and instead took out his lighter to help Ren and Micheal light up. They inhaled the cigarettes slowly and blew the smoke out in a lengthy sigh.

"I asume she had a name?" Ren asked not expecting eaither of the boys to know anything.

"Mischief. Her name is Mischief Jones." Ciro said as he leaned against a street lamp.

Micheal and Ren nodded, mischief she was indeed.

* * * * *

So tell me what you think please! Sorry if this didn't make sense or if it had allot of errors and stuff in it! My bad!! Lol. :D

On another note...

Bella = beautiful lady

Scusi = Excuse me

Grazie = Thank you

Signore = Sir or Gentleman

Thanks for reading please vote for next chapter release! At least 5! :)

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