My Fandom Book of Fandom

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Hi guys,
I have so much to tell you! Ok, so, this book will contain memes, jokes, images, videos, the whole enchilada (See what I did there, Percy Jackson fans)! Yeah, I read a lot, but Percy Jackson is my favourite. I think that in My Random Book of Random, my readers who are not interested in Percy Jackson got a bit bored with my jokes, and stopped reading... Oops.
The books that I will be starring in this book, are:
The Maze Runner
The Hunger Games
Harry Potter
Persasseus Jacksasson (Percy Jackson, people!)
And The Heroes of Olympus!
I will also include other books. I would like to give a shoutout to Kawaiian17 , for getting me in to Percy Jackson, and bmx1126 because, after that, both Kawaiian17 and I got her into Percy Jackson.
Ok, sorry for dragging on! I will see you in the first real chapter of my book, later.

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