Chapter 13

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It had been almost a month since Hades had kidnapped Kari. The god had put her under Thanatos's care in his impenetrable fortress in the sea and put her in a cell that had no bars, made of the strongest material known to the gods, no windows other than the observation window that looked into the hallway, it was a one way window though so Kari could not see out. The young demi-godess had tried multiple times to get out but Hades knew how to work the system. He knew her weakness. Kari could only use her abilities when she had the energy to do so, there for she had to eat a lot of food. So he made her meals small and not very nutritious so she lost energy quicker. But even without her abilities, Kari never gave in.

"I WILL GET OUT! YOU HEAR ME GOD OF DEATH!! YOU CAN'T KEEP ME IN HERE!!" Kari yelled as Thanatos hovered from outside the door, holding her lunch in his right palm like a waiter.

"Yeah, yeah. Pipe down. Yeesh you've been at this for almost a month now half breed. I can tell your body's wearing down from here. And I'm not even looking in the window! So why not give up and help yourself?" The god of death was right. Kari had sustained so many injuries from beatings to break her into submission, like Pit was when he was captured. Deep wounds all over her from head to toe, a gash across her left eye which forced her eye shut because it hurt to open and much more. Kari growled.

"Would you quite taunting me!" Kari called in anger as she began to feel weaker by the second. Then her stomach growled so loud that the underworld troops could hear her from the other side of the fortress. Thanatos rolled his eyes. He had been there for almost an hour now just poking fun at the girl.

"Fine, fine. Here." He opened the door and tossed in Kari's food, not even caring if it got all over the floor. Kari rushed to the food as the door slammed shut and gathered as much as she could from the metal tray as well as the floor around the tray and began stuffing her face like an animal. Kari was thinner than she used to be and her eyes had bags under them and were dulled in a seeming lifeless way, highlighting her lack of sleep. When Kari finished eating she gulped and sighed with a sniffle.

"... Let me out..." Kari murmured as she huddled up in the far right corner of her cell and hugged her knees to her chest.

Back in Skyworld Pit was frantically walking back and forth by the mission door while grumbling impatiently.

"Pit, please. Just a little bit---"

"But Lady Palutena we don't have much time! Kari could be in great danger! I have to rescue her! She could be hurt... Or... Or..." Pit gulped at the thought of Kari's "Or worse" scenario. He shook his head frantically in denial and began to tap his left foot impatiently with crossed arms. Suddenly the mission door opened.

"Hey," Called a feminine voice. "Sorry I took so long. Dark Pit wouldn't get his butt in gear." It was Viridi, goddess of nature.

"What is it you need from us?" Dark Pit huffed as he glared at Pit and Palutena then noticed Zeus. "And you are." He asked in a disrespectful "I don't really care" kind of tone.

"I am Zeus. I suggest you change your attitude mister or you shall regret it." As Zeus said this Dark Pit felt a chill rush up his spine and he nodded with an uncomfortable gulp.

"Alright," Palutena began as she clapped her hands. "Viridi, you remember Selene?"


"Well, her daughter was just kidnapped by Hades and the underworld forces. Knowing what Selene was capable of then there is no doubt that Hades will keep her very well guarded and then some. So we need all the help we can get for this." The goddess of light explained.

"Uh-oh... So what's the plan?" Viridi asked and Dark Pit whispered to Pit, asking what Palutena was talking about and Pit explained to him. Dark Pit widened his eyes in shock as he heard exactly what Kari was.

Torn little kid (Kid Icarus uprising fan-fic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon