Re-booted Chapter 1

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It was a bright, warm summer day. The birds sang happily as they watched their young and children played since there was no school until fall. One child in particular lounged in the trees. Her eyes closed and her hands behind her head. She looked about ten but was actually twelve. The wind blew, causing her pure white hair, that was pulled up into a ponytail that spiked in different directions with two groups that were tied in silver ribbon, to swish. Her silver rimmed slightly tinted goggles rested on her head above her army green cap. Her blue jean shorts rested slightly below her knees and looked loose around the legs and worn out, her midday sky blue shirt, which had a silver waning crescent moon on the front, swayed with the wind with her long silver ninja scarf that she tended to step on since it dragged on the ground a little.

The girl also wore blue fingerless biking gloves with silver lining and had her right arm wrapped up in white bandages from fingertip to shoulder blade, her feet were also wrapped from toe tip to about half of her calves since she hated wearing shoes. She sighed and turned her body so she could rest on her side. This caused her hair to move just a little to reveal part of a silver waning crescent moon symbol on her forehead. There were other symbols that were the exact same on her torso, back, tops and palms of her hands, and tops and bottoms of her feet. She did her best to keep these hidden. The girl grumbled and opened her eyes, which were colored blood red yet they shimmered like rubies.

"Nngh..." She muttered as she blocked some sun from her cat like eyes by putting her hand over her face. She blinked and sat up. "... I slept in a little..." She muttered tiredly as she got the time from the sun. "... Oh well... Not like I'm doing anything..." She yawned and stretched her arms, letting an adorable cat like moan escape her lips as her upper body shook slightly.

"... Lets see here. Where's my- there!" She called as she spotted a silver backpack with a blue name tag on it reading "Kari Himura" (car-ri) (He-moo-ruh) in bold black writing. The girl, obviously named Kari, hopped off of the branch she was on and down to another lower branch to grab her bag and a skateboard with a bottom that looked similar to her shirt, only the blue was slightly darker. She smiled and then hopped out of the tree and began to walk on the side walk happily, humming to herself.

"Hey!" Called a voice and a boy pointed to Kari. The tween turned her head slightly and blinked at the much older boy as he called to his friends. She gulped as her eyes widened in fear and shock as the group raced towards her, rocks in their hands aimed at her.

"Time to make like a tree--" Kari's thought began as she ran away, jumping up to put her skateboard under her feet. "--AND LEAF!!!" She landed and sped off, weaving through the crowd of people.

A while later she looked behind her and chuckled to herself, seeing that she was in the clear, she slowed down a little so she could safely reach into her bag to grab a pair of her phones that were black with her symbol on the ears and a blue cord leading to an old black colored MP3 player with gold colored buttons. She flipped through the songs, the headphones around her neck and her left hand in her pocket. She giggled and began to listen to "circus for a psycho by skillet" as she leisurely rode along to the forest part of town, stopping and picking up her board when she was in front of the forest. She then pulled down her headphones and ran in with a big childish smile, towards a cave with a bumpy and jagged wooden sign above saying "Home sweet home!" In neat blue hand writing. The girl looked around her home with a smile.

"Looks like no one messed with my stuff while I was out." She smiled happily and went to a pile of stuff and tossed her bag and MP3 player along with her board and headphones next to it. Kari then sighed and rummaged through her bag and took out a few plastic bags filled with food. This was to be today's lunch and dinner that she got from the local food bank. She sighed and ate lunch happily and quickly, almost chocking on a bite of meat. Something went through her mind, a voice telling her to go outside. She blinked and swallowed the bite in her mouth then peeked out of her cave entrance and looked around.

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