Potter's a veela? (Drarry)

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Draco POV.
    I had caught Potter staring at me again. I sneered at him and he looked...upset. Why do I care. He is such a Gryffindork.
   "Guess what," Blaise said sitting next to me in potions. "Potter's a veela," he said before giving me a chance to respond. Potter? A veela? No way. I'll have to do some research later.
-timey wimey skip-
    It was late. Right before curfew too. I had gotten some books on veelas from the library, and I was walking back to my dorm. I was pulled in to an empty class room by...Potter! What does he think he is doing.
     "Listen Dra...Malfoy. As you've probably heard I'm a veela. So now I'm going to do this," he said as he grabbed my face and kissed me. I melted into it and closed my eyes. He was a bloody good kisser.
Harry's POV.
    I did it. I had kissed Draco Malfoy. And he liked it! I smirked and pulled back as the room of requirement,what Draco thought was a classroom, made a large bed appear. Let's just say I'm glad I know a silencing charm.

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