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The officer told William some final instruction and then left. Emma invited William into the house which was a complete mess and that they would be sharing until the police thinks it's safe. "This is your room, my rooms next door and it connects through that door right there. So if anything happens you don't have to go around," Emma told William. "Okay thanks." replied William. "The house is a mess but tomorrow while I'm at work it will all be neat again." William smirked at Emma. "Don't worry about it, I'll be fine until tomorrow." Emma's heart started beating faster when she saw his smirk. She tough it was very sexy and made her even more attracted to him then she already was. Emma heard the phone ring. She showed William to the bathroom and picked up the phone. Emma answered it and realized it was Isabella. Emma heard the bathroom water turn on, she figured William was taking a shower. "So Em's he is amazing," said Bella. "Bella seriously he's her to protect me. Not to hit on," replied Emma. "Emma seriously you have possibly one of the best looking men in the world in your house and your not even thinking about flirting with him?" asked Bella. "NO! Bells I'm not going to flirt with my bodyguard," replied Emma. "Ugh are you sure your not lesbian? No wait don't answer that because even a lesbian would flirt with him.?" Emma heard the bathroom door open and she told Isabella she would call her later. "Um Emma I'm really sorry to bother you but I forgot my deodorant and I was wondering if you have deodorant I can barrow?" asked William. Emma thought about it and remembered that her brother left his deodorant last time he came to visit. Emma nodded and notice that he was shirtless. All he had on was a towel wrapped around his waist. Emma noticed his muscular chest and perfectly toned arms. "Emma?" "Yea sorry I was trying to remember where I put my brothers deodorant, he left it here when he came to visit," replied Emma.

The next morning Emma did her daily routine's, she woke up at 7:00am, took a shower and got ready for work. Only this time she had a stranger doing the same thing. Emma finally was ready and walked into the kitchen only to find William dressed and ready. "Pancakes?" he asked.

"Um sure."

"How'd you sleep? You didn't let the kidnapping thing get to you right?" he asked while serving Emma a trio of pancakes.

"No not really. It was kinda a relief to have a men in the house. Especially one that his job is to protect you. How did you sleep?"

"Pretty well." William replied handing Emma the trio of pancakes and a cup of coffee.

"This is really good."


"Where you learn how to cook?"

"Well, I'm Cuban. 95% percent of all Cuban men know how to cook something," William replied with a smirk.

"Really your Cuban? Were you born there?" Emma asked curiously.

"No, I was born in Texas. My mom was pregnant on the way to the U.S."

"That's cool. I went to Cuba a few summers ago. It's beautiful."

"Oh really?"

"You've ever been."

"Yea, I try to go at least once every two years but with my job it's kinda difficult." William replied.

"Yea I know what you mean," Emma replied. "Where your grandparents Spanish," Emma asked.

"Yea from Madrid. Did my white skin color give it away?" William asked with a smirk.

"Yea, kinda," Emma replied shyly. So many of Emma's questioned had been answered with just knowing where he had came from. That would explain how you could tell he was white complected but then again had the most perfect tan.

"Do you have family in Cuba," Emma asked.

"Yes I do," replied William. "But I have most of my family here."

"So what school did you go to."

"I went to Harvard and I majored in law and minored in Criminal Justice."

"Harvard? That's impressive." Emma answered very impressed. Both of her parents studied law and were lawyers.

"Do you study?"

"Uh yea, Brown. History." Emma replied.

"Whoa Brown, Ivy League." William answered with a smirk. He was quit impressed. He thought to himself beauty and brains and he had seen all the Harry Potter movies so he re-thought it and said without looking up at Emma, "Beauty, talent and brains."

Emma immediately looked up trying to caught William's expression but couldn't. She smiled to herself.

"How old are you?, William asked

"Just turned 21"

"Really? You don't look 21"

"Do I look older or younger," Emma asked


"Well thank you I'll take that as a compliment."

"It was," William replied this time looking straight into Emma's eyes.

It was so easy for them to get lost in each other's eyes. Emma realized she was staring and quickly asked, "How old are you?"

"I'm 24."

Emma nodded, she had predicted that William was 23.

With a little bit more small talk they finished there break fest and they were on their way. William drove Emma to work in his black Cadillac Escalade. He watched her act and was highly impressed once again. Then after Emma finished they got some take out and went home.

William & EmmaHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin