Chapter 27: Stress

Start from the beginning

Shane: He didn't mention Joey?

Luke: Nope, although Tyler tweeted "Can everyone please wish Joey Graceffa well, he's currently in hospital."

Shane: I'm sure twitter's blowing up then.

I said this, trying to at least squeeze a smile out.

Luke: haha yeah! In fact... #GetWellJoey was trending for a while.

Shane: Uhhh, I'll be right back!

I went to the bathroom of the hospital. I checked if it was empty. I took out my phone and recorded.

Shane: Hi I'm in the bathroom in the hospital. J-Joey...

I tried to fight back tears...I couldn't...I burst out crying.

Uhh, Joey...Graceffa, collapsed last night, and h-he hasn't woken up. Luke Conrad and myself stayed with him last night. The d-doctors don't even know what is wrong with him, just that his body is stressed. I'm not gunna act as if I'm t-tough and say I haven't cried until just now, because I haven't stopped c-crying all night, neither has Luke...sorry Luke. And you guys are actually probably thinking "Why the fuck are you vlogging and not with Joey!" well...I want to let you guys know, I don't want Joey being in hospital unconscious a s-secret. After all most of you guys are fans of him aswell and deserve to know! Anyways I'm going to go back to Joey and I'll see you guys whenever...bye.

I covered the camera lens with my hand and stopped recording. I left the bathroom and went back to Joey's room. Luke was talking to the doctor. Luke saw me just outside the window.

Luke: Shane! Come in quick!

I sprinted into the room and stood next to Luke and listened to what the doctor had to say.

Doctor: We now think we know what has happened and what is wrong with Joey.

Shane: What! Is he going to be fine?!

Doctor: Hopefully yes, he should be.

I didn't want to get too excited, but I was jumping up and down into myself. This was the greatest update the doctor had gave us on Joey!

Shane: SO! What's wrong with him!?

Doctor: A unnamed stress related sickness.

Shane: You're a doctor, and that is the best "name" you could give it haha

Doctor: Well, Joey is the first person I've seen with the symptoms.

Shane: Do you know when he'll wake up?

Doctor: Today sometime if everything goes smoothly!

Shane: What do you mean smoothly?

Doctor: If he gets the correct medication when needed.

Shane: Oh okay...

The doctor left the room. Luke and I waited until nobody was in sight and started bouncing around like idiots!

Luke: YAY! HE'S OK!!!

Shane: I KNOW! I KNOW! Woo!

We both stopped at what seemed like the exact same time, just to notice Cat and Ingrid standing outside the room staring at us. We all began laughing uncontrollably. When we all calmed down, we were talking about Joey and what happened.

Ingrid: What did the doctors say?

Shane: He should wake today hopefully!

Cat: Really?!

Luke: Yeah!

Ingrid: Oh my gosh that's great! So good to know he's getting better!

Shane: Nicole is coming here from Boston to see him!

Cat: Aww that's nice!

Ingrid: Sorry to break the happiness, but do you guys know why Joey ..attacked Sawyer like that?

I wanted to tell Ingrid, she was the only person in the room not to know yet.

Shane: Uhh, Joey...Joey boyfriend...

Ingrid: Wow! So he was trying to stop Sawyer?

Shane: I guess anger just kicked in.

Ingrid: But you two! That's so cute! Since when?

Shane: Since the day after I broke up with Lisa...

Ingrid: Wait, isn't that the day Sawyer took you two out for lunch.

Shane: Yup. He was suspecting it, I know....Luke told me the plan.

Luke: Oops!

Ingrid: I never thought Sawyer was serious! But you guys are actually really great together! Who knows then?

Shane: You, Luke, Cat and Meghan. Oh and Lisa and Benny Fine know I'm gay but don't know that Joey is my boyfriend...

Ingrid: You calling Joey your boyfriend! I feel like a fangirl!

Shane: Could you keep it on the down low please...neither Joey or I are ready to go public.

Luke: You told the doctor you were his boyfriend?

Shane: I wasn't just going to call myself a friend!

Cat: You should tell his sister when she get's here?

Shane: Do you think so?

Luke, Ingrid and Cat: YEAH!

Shane: I don't know guys, maybe when Joey wakes up he can tell her...

Luke: Just think about it!

After we talked for a loooong time Ingrid and Cat told Luke and I to go get a bite to eat. We ended up going to a little cafe place just outside the hospital. We promptly ate and got back to the hospital.

New Message From: Nicole Graceffa

Nicole: Just landed at LAX! Going through customs! xxx

Shane: Do you want me to pick you up?

Nicole: Yes! That would be amazing! Xxx

Shane: You do know what I look like? <3

Nicole: Yes! Joey text me the Dare the Dawson video haha

Now I was embarrassed, what do I text back to that! Just a simple lol?

Shane: No he didn't! Haha, I'm on my way to get you now! <3

Nicole: See you there! xxx

Shane: Guys! I'm going to pick Nicole up from the airport.

Ingrid: Now you're even picking up his sister! You're relationship can't get any cuter.

I found this funny how she said this while she was styling Joey's hair up.

Shane: Shit! I don't have my car! Can I use yours Ingrid?

Ingrid: Sure!

Shane: Thank you! I'll be back soon!

I walked out of the hospital and went to the parking lot. It took me a while to find Ingrid's car so I text asking where she had parked. After she text me back, I immediately found it and made my way to the airport.


Sorry this is a pretty boring update! I'm still a wreck from writing the last part haha! I might possibly have another part up by the end of the night! VOTE Please!


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