☏ Interview ☏

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Interview Four: writer168

Question One:Every author has their own reasons for doing what they do, and since you have a fair amount of stories that include the lovely Sakura Haruno, what was yours for writing, for example, "Darkest Before Dawn" and "Red Skies"?

writer168: I was upset at how the way Masashi Kishimoto portrayed Sakura from beginning to end. At first, she was a selfish, vain girl. That I understood because she was only twelve years old. But as the series progressed, she really wasn't getting any better and ended up as the "cry too much" heroine whose only real purpose seemed to be ending up with one of the two main characters.She had so much potential that could've been worked with, but at the end of it all, nothing was done about it. Plus, she was and is one of the most hated characters in the entire series. For some reason, I was drawn to her and wanted to write her as the heroine she deserved to be.

Question Two:Now usually, an author bases their characters off of someone close to them, or themselves, even. However, in your case, you used Sakura Haruno, a Canon character, as the main character for your stories. What prompted you to use her in a majority of your 'Naruto' fanfictions, or is it for the same reasons as above?

writer168: It's the exact same reason as above. I'm drawn to her and she's someone I want to change people's perspective on.

Question Three:As a fanfiction writer, we all know the harships we have to go through of prepping new stories. Did you plan the plots of your stories before publishing them, or did you just make them up as you wrote?

writer168: Normally I think of the foundation of beginning, middle, and end before starting up a new story. Most of the details, plot twists, and such are made up as I go along.

Question Four:If a 'Naruto' character could come to the real world, who would you ship yourself with? And who do you ultimately ship Sakura with?

writer168: Eh, I don't really do that whole "ship with myself with" thing. As for Sakura-- ITACHI. Always Itachi.

Question Five:Do you have a favourite story on Wattpad that coincides with your own likes?

writer168: Not really. I don't do much reading on wattpad, but I do, in fact, read many stories on .

Question Six:What would you recommend to our readers about writing fanfiction, such as personal experiences, or managing time with one's personal life?

writer168: Personal experiences are something good to use in fanfiction, but even if you write about something you don't know much about, its still okay. Writing fanfiction isn't a job, it's a hobby or a passion that you should first of all enjoy writing for yourself before taking in account of other people.Make sure the fanfiction is something that fits to your ideas, not anyone else's. It's your own story and you shouldn't write it if you don't like it.Also, if you're someone in school like I am, school comes first. Fanfiction is amazing, but it isn't worth taking a risk for your grades.

Question Seven:If you could choose, what other story on Wattpad (or Fanfiction.net, as you go on) do you wish you could be in? Do you have a story of your own you'd want to be in?

writer168: If I had to be in a story, I'd be in one of my own, maybe Stumble [Rewrite] or Otokage. I'd have control over what would happen, right? That way I won't kill myself off. :D

Question Eight: When did you decide you wanted to write fanfiction? How long have you been a fan of 'Naruto'?

writer168: I've been writing since elementary school and have been a fan of Naruto since then too. I only started posting when my friend introduced Wattpad to me in 8th grade.

Question Nine: Who would you say is your ultimate inspiration? A person? An object?

writer168: None, really. If something interesting happens in my day or I hear something that gets me thinking, ideas start to pop up.

Question Ten:Do you plan to take up a career in writing in your future? What kind of impact does it make in your life?

writer168: I would want writing to be a side career of mine one day. And really, writing is biggest passion in life. I won't be giving it up any time soon.Question Eleven:Do you have any other hobbies aside from writing?writer168: After school I play tennis.

Question Twelve:How old were you when you first got into the whole writing-business? Not just fanfiction, but in general.

writer168: Probably eight years ago... so since I was seven? I don't remember much of it, but I have found old notebooks of mine that date that far back at least.

Question Thirteen:What are your favourite genres of fanfiction? And your least favourite?

writer168: My favorite genres would have to be really anything that isn't too serious or too complicated. I especially love AU works, and I love to see what other people can come up with. If I had to pick a least favorite type, it would have to be sci-fi. I'm not really into aliens, far off into the future stuff, or apocalypse type deals. Modern and past stuff I'm totally fine with.

Question Fourteen:When discovering new stories, is there a specific detailing to the writer's works that you are picky with?

writer168: I'm very picky with grammar usage and spelling. I understand that there will be your usual typo every now and again, but other than that, it gets me a little irritated.

Question Fifteen:If possible to answer, which of your stories are you most fond of, and for what reason?writer168: Right now, it has to be Otokage. It's going perfectly in my eyes and it's the one I'm most interested in at this point.Question Sixteen:I'm sure your readers would like to know all about their favourite author! Could you tell out readers some things about your life, and how you came upon finding Wattpad in the first place?

writer168: Hm... well as of right now I'm fifteen and a junior in high school. I'm the captain of my tennis team and currently dying under all my AP work XD. I found out about Wattpad in 7th grade when my friend suggested that I upload my stories online. I did and had as much luck as every other newbie did. But one day, BAM. 70 VOTES. I got so excited and kept going. Here I today. :)

Question Seventeen:New writers typically have hard times getting used to the fact that their stories aren't quickly as popular as others'. Is there any advice or tips you could give them?

writer168: You've got to keep going. Don't get hung up on reads, votes, or comments-- When you're starting out, all that matters is that you put what you love online for the world to see. Once you're confident enough to do that, you should be fine.

Question Eighteen:Are there any real authors or ones on Wattpad that you look up to, or admire?

writer168: Not really. I spend most of my time browsing through fanfics and liking all the stories, but there isn't one specific author.

Question Nineteen:Is there anything else you'd like to say to our readers?

writer168: Well... if you read, keep reading. If you write, keep writing. Never let anything stop doing what you love. :)

Naruto Magazine Issue #16Where stories live. Discover now