"Please leave Kale, can't you see I'm with my family." A grin makes its way on his face. "This is your little family, huh?" I nod hesitantly, keeping my feet tightly wrapped around Jason's.

"So that means him right there is your fiancé." He points to a glaring Jason. I go to talk, though Jason beats me to it. "I sure am, and you're the asshole who made a move on her." The children gasps, looking at Jason and Kale quite nervously.

"Daddy said asshole mama!" Jacob shouts loudly, drawing attention to our table. "Shh Jacob, you're not using your indoor voice." I scold in a hushed manner.

"You weren't using your indoor voice either, especially when you received my lap dance... or when you gave me one." Kale adds, only making Jason snatch out my hold on him. "Look homie, leave us alone and get away from our table. I don't want any problems." Jason stands up eye to eye with Kale, keeping his strong glare on him.

"Well sorry, but you and those brat ass kids are my problem. If it wasn't for you five dipshit's, I would've fucked Malarie already!" He shouts loudly, drawing everyone's attention in the restaurant.

That's when Kale died. No I'm totally kidding, but Jason punched him right in his face. Causing him to crash into someone's table.

"You've not only disrespected my woman, but you disrespected my kids! Fuck what you say about me, but not them five short people over there." He points our way as he knocks some sense into him. "I don't give a fuck!" Kale lands a punch to Jason's mouth, easily having blood spew everywhere

"Jason let it go, let's go home." I try to call him over, though his manly pride wouldn't let him. "You're nothing but a piece of shit!" Kale shouts, only getting more punches landed to his face.

Not wanting our crying children to see any more of him acting like a complete and utter stupid ass, I gather all of us outside. A waitress from the restaurant was kind of enough to watch the children for me. Going back inside I see Jason and Kale fighting as if it's World War II. Some of the employees try to break them apart, yet Jason and Kale are equally stronger than lot of the little men.

"Fuck you and your little bitch ass woman! I just wanted to fuck her anyway, I could've if she didn't kick me in the balls! I simply want to finish what I wanted to start!" Kale yells in hysterics, as he gets socks to his body. "You son of a motherfucking bitch!" That's when Jason becomes livid enough to beat him to death, making me weakly try to pull him off of him. Just for me to get elbowed in my damn eye!

Fucking, Jason! Shit, it hurts so damn bad!

"Sir, sir you accidentally hit your girlfriend!" Some man yells out, as I back away holding my eye in pain. Don't even try dude, once he's like this there's no getting nothing through that brain of his. "You're going to die tonight, asshole!" Jason socks Kale in his head, pissed as can be.

I see him reach down to his ankle, attempting to get his gun he carries around! Gosh, no! I can hear the sound of sirens in the distance, indicating someone called the police. That only makes my panic skyrocket up to the sky. Being the best person and fiancée he will ever have, I slap the taste out his mouth. Grabbing his undivided attention, I pretend to hug him to grab his gun, stuffing it into the arm of my sweater. I am pulled off of him by what I am assuming one of the police officers. I watch a he and Kale are handcuffed, and being read their rights. The whole time I shake my head, as Jason pays no mind to the cop... but focusing his attention on me. I roll my eyes, walking out the restaurant.

"Mommy, mommy!" Jacob escapes the waitress's arms, running into my own. "Hi baby, are you ready to go home?" He nods, laying his head on my shoulder. "Mama, where's daddy at? And why are there so many cop cars?" Not wanting to answer Natasha, I settle Jacob back down on his feet, walking us all back to our car.

Salubrious (Jason McCann)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora