Nicole nodded, "You have no idea," She faintly whimpered.

"Do you want me to kick him out of the house? Would that help at all do you think?" I wondered, smiling actually liking the thought of it myself.

Shrugging, Nicole looked at me with watery eyes, "I don't know...possibly, maybe it's too late...Maybe I should just let him take me so this ache will go away," She suggested, looking completely defeated just saying it.

Shaking my head, I looked at her with utter surprise, I've never known Nicole as someone to just give in, "Absolutely not!" I demanded, "I won't let you, he's going to have to seriously earn to get into your pants!" I raised my voice, quickly hushing myself as I remembered sleeping Colton on the other side of the room.

Nicole cracked a smile at my words, "Oh Corey, I am so glad Seth brought you into my life, I don't know what I'd do without a friend like you," She spoke softly.

Standing from my spot on her bed, I smiled in her direction, "I'm going to talk to Seth really quick, okay? I'll be back in a few minutes," I told her softly, wanting to see if Seth would take this conversation with his brother and father elsewhere.

Leaving Nicole's room, I bounced down the steps, and knocked faintly on the office door, knowing for wolves they'd be able to hear even the faintest of knocks.

Seth pulled the door open and smiled down at me, behind him sat his father and brother, looking up at me with curiosity towards my interruption.

Reaching out and brushing my arm Seth smiled softly, "What's up my love?" He wondered softly, soft concern laced through his voice.

Biting into my bottom lip, I met his soft eyes, "Can you guy go elsewhere?" I wondered, trying to make it sound as nice as it possibly could, despite the fact that I was trying to kick them out of their own house. "Not in the house I mean? It's really upsetting Nicole..." I explained to clarify when Seth seemed utterly confused with my request. Seth glanced quickly at his brother over his shoulder, "Or me and Nicole can go somewhere, too?" I suggested quickly, for some reason already knowing he was going to deny the second suggestion.

Seth's expression showed that he clearly didn't like the sound of the ladder, "We can go somewhere else," He responded, speaking for his brother and father.

Jeremy dropped his head backwards, as if leaving was the biggest inconvenience for him in this situation, leaning on my hip, I crossed my arms over my chest and stared in his direction, "Damn- Are you literally so self centered that leaving right now is so difficult?" I spoke loudly, drawing Jeremy's quick, surprised eyes. He obviously wasn't aware that he was within my line of sight. "I cannot believe you, you are an utter ass! There's more people in this world than yourself, maybe you should starting thinking about that," I began to raise my voice, "I could kill you for how rude you are, it's just about you, yourself and I, isn't it?!" I tried to walk forward, but was stopped by Seth's arms holding me back.

Gripping into my arms, Seth spoke my name softly, some how drawing my eyes instantly, "Breathe my love. Come," He encouraged, leading me away form the office.

On the short walk, I didn't have it in me fight my way back towards the office, and just as we reached the kitchen I began to feel the tears prick at the back of my eyes. Turning me around in his arms, Seth lifted me to the counter top and brushed my hair over onto my back, holding briefly onto my neck as he moved his hands one by one up to caress my cheeks.

"You have too big of a heart Corrine, you love people so easily and want to fight to make their lives the best it possibly can be. I can see you want everything to work out perfectly for Nicole," He talked smoothly, reaching up and catching a tear as it slipped from my eye, "I love you so much for that." He smiled, "But you have to let this happen the way it is destine to happen," Seth encouraged softly.

That Butt Naked Godly Being Has A Brother.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें