~ The Xavier ~

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Erik closed his eyes, feeling the fresh breeze on his face. He had come here to forget Charles, to get over him. But the more he pushed Charles away from his mind, the more he realized that this was an impossible task. Charles was basically all he could see - the sky, the sea, the flowers, the dirt, the ground, the metal, the houses, everything reminded him of Charles; everything was shaped as Charles. It was ridiculous! He came here to escape seeing Charles, but he forgot that Charles was always going to be by his side. Because Charles was now a permanent resident in his heart...

As Erik closed his eyes now he could remember every little detail, every incident, every misunderstanding, every word, every look they ever exchanged. Right from that first day when he walked in the room and saw... Charles.


Emma was furious when Erik rejected her. He had to end this eventually.

"Emma, just listen to me, damn it!" he finally lost it

"I don't even want to see you right now, Erik!"

Erik knew what that certain note in her voice meant - she was hurt. He could not help that though. There was nothing he could do.

"Emma, I love you but I just don't love you." he explained.

Emma listed a bunch of suggestions about what Erik should do to himself and started furiously picking her clothes up.

"You will realize I was right eventually." Erik said, surprised at how calm he sounded despite all the emotions he felt.

And with that said Erik went to his room, closing the door, letting her get dressed in private.

Her yelling continued and he tried not to listen. He thought it'd be better to just let her get it all out. He could not do anything about the way she felt anyway. Comforting her would only make her hurt more. It was pointless. This was a band-aid and it had to be ripped off in one quick pull.

He needed air, he needed a break from this, he wanted to be far away from here. Emma. His best friend Emma. The one he knew for so long. The one that was like a sister to him. Emma... What had happened!?

He opened the window in his room and leaned in on it, almost half of his body outside now. He let out a sigh and allowed his mind to get lost in thoughts.

He was desperately hoping to come up with a solution that would both 'cure' Emma of her crush and allow him to preserve their friendship. Naturally, that seemed hardly possible now. Emma's pride was hurt and he knew what that meant to her.

Suddenly his thoughts were interrupted. It wasn't a noise that attracted his attention, it was the silence. Emma had stopped yelling from the other room. A vague feeling of hope crept in his heart. Maybe she had calmed down. Maybe she realized he was not really to be blamed. Maybe she'd offer them to forget this whole thing even happened.

He rushed towards the door and once again realized that hope was for naive fools. To Erik's disappointment Emma was not in the living room at all. Instead of Emma he saw a chubby blue-eyed creature with brown locks framing his forehead. Erik frowned.

"What do you want?" he asked, maybe a bit too harshly.

Apparently the answer to this question was too difficult because his guest took some time before he managed to reply in a pleasant British accent. "Charles Xavier"

Great! That's all he needed! A stupid misunderstanding. Someone looking for the wrong person in his new flat!

"No Charles Xavier here, sorry" he shrugged.

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