5: Trying To Be Nice

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Cas smiled up at the wall he had now covered in book and television show posters, running his hand over the photo clipping he and Charlie had gotten from the arcade earlier that day.

He felt truly happy knowing that him and Charlie were already good friends. He liked the way she was so outgoing in photos, the fish face one had to be his favourite one so far.

The door to the dorm room opened and Dean came in, thudding into his bed with a heavy sigh.

"Long day at work?" Cas asked, trying to be a little polite.

"Oh, finally deciding to actually talk to me?"

"You seemed stressed out, and I'm trying to be polite."

"You didn't care about being polite before..."

"And neither did you."

Dean scoffed and looked at him. "Whatever, I tried, but you were being a stuck up asshole!"

Cas turned a rather feral glare towards his roommate. "Really now?" He got up off of his bed and made his way to the centre of the room.

The Winchester followed the action, getting up and walking to meet Cas. He stood before him, looking him down. "Yeah." Dean poked him hard in the chest. "You are a stuck up asshole. You think you're better than me! Newsflash Cas, you aren't!" He prodded him in the chest again.

The Novak slapped his hand away and attempted to square up to Dean, azure eyes staring right through him. "I don't think I'm better than you! See, this is part of the reason I don't like talking to you."

"What reason is that?"

"You assume that I think I'm better than you. I'm possibly one of the worst people out there. I'm garbage. I'm nothing. Now, please... Kindly leave me alone, and don't call me Cas."

Dean furrowed his eyebrows and opened his mouth to speak, quickly shutting it when Cas held up a hand to stop him.

"Save it... I'm sorry I said anything." Cas grimaced and shook his head, turning to go lay back down on his bed.

The brunette lingered in the middle of their room a bit longer, mouth opening for him to speak again, but shutting automatically before he laid back down in his bed.

Castiel sighed to himself and clung to his pillow again, tightly. The soft object wasn't a very good replacement for his blade, but it was better than nothing.

And as if his brain had transmitted some sort of signal of distress, he had a text from his brother.

TheTrickster: Hey Cassy!

Castiel: Hello Gabriel.

TheTrickster: You doing alright? How's college? Anyone that I might need to slaughter mercilessly?

Castiel stifled a small chuckle at how protective his brother seemed to be getting.

TheTrickster: Seriously. If anyone is picking on you I'll kill them.

TheTrickster: Like you don't understand.

TheTrickster: I will fucking skin them alive.

He couldn't hold back his laugh this time and in turn he ended up with a wide grin and a glance from his roommate which he ignored.

Castiel: College is good, I guess.. You don't need to kill anyone. Thank you for the offer though. I'll keep all of this in mind.

TheTrickster: You guess?

Castiel: Yeah, I mean... The art course isn't all that I was hoping for, and I don't know... It's stupid..

TheTrickster: Oh, that sucks lil' bro.. What's stupid?

Castiel: Its just... My roommate is kind of a jerk...

Castiel: Don't get me wrong, I don't want you to kill him or anything, but I just don't feel comfortable around him, you get me?

TheTrickster: Yeah, I get that. How is he a jerk? Like has he said anything about you wearing skirts, or something?

Castiel: No, nothing like that! He hasn't even seen me in one yet. He just seems to like irritating me and he's always so angry... I get that there must be something making him angry all the time, but does he have to take it out on me? Just before you texted we got in a small argument and he called me "a stuck up asshole" and said that I thought I was better than him when I'm not? Seriously, how am I stuck up? All I did was tell him not to call me Cas!

TheTrickster: And you ARE sure that I can't kill him?

Castiel: Yes, Gabriel. I'm sure that you can't kill him..

TheTrickster: Alright then, all I have to say is, maybe you could go to registration and see if you could get another roommate? I mean, you could also move in with me if you wanted, I don't live too far from the college.

He let out a sigh and ran a hand through his black hair. He couldn't do that... He couldn't just take over Gabriel's house like that.

Castiel: I'll try the registration thing... Thank you for the offer, but I don't really know.. I mean.. I don't want to keep you up all night because of studying.

TheTrickster: Alright :) Well, if you change your mind or they don't let you, my door is always open.

Castiel: Thank you, that means a lot.

TheTrickster: No problem kiddo.

TheTrickster: I have to go now, got me a date tonight! I'll talk to you later, okay?

Castiel: Oh. Okay! Good luck on your date.

TheTrickster: Haha, thanks! Love you!

Castiel: Love you too. Bye.

Castiel, knowing this was the end of the conversation, plugged his phone in and placed it down on his bedside table.

He laid down on his back and stared up at the ceiling, a sigh escaping his partially chapped lips.

From the corner of his eye, Castiel spotted Dean looking at him every so often. He knitted his eyebrows together and chewed on his bottom lip.

Okay, so his roommate kept arguing with him. Maybe he kept staring at Castiel for God knows what reason, but was Cas really right in thinking about asking for a different roommate?

His train of thought was interrupted by a phone ringing and as if on instinct he fumbled for his phone and looked at it, realizing it wasn't his phone going off.

"Hold on a sec Sammy, let me just step out of the room before you speak anymore!" Dean huffed in a somehow amused way.

Cas watched as Dean left the room, shutting the door after himself. Cas shook his head slowly and sighed for the millionth time that day, taking off his glasses and putting them on the side table. Maybe he would have a quick nap...

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