Chapter 21. Emma

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Chapter 21. Emma

The howling wind had always made Emma feel at peace, some nights it helped her relax before going to sleep, but there was a terrifying difference upon Madman's Mountain compared to the wind of Storybrooke. For hours now she had been cooped up in a tiny iced cage, similar to the wicker Neal had been trapped in in Neverland, only Emma's miniature prison dangled above an icy sea. The tide had been growing higher, deepening ever since she had woken up there. Zelena was nowhere to be seen, neither were any of her flying monkey's, she definitely felt alone even if she wasn't. If she couldn't get out of the cage soon, the sea level would rise over her head causing her to drown. By now she had almost given up on saving herself, so much of her energy was whipped away by the freezing temperature, she could barely keep her eyes open. As she fought against her fluttering eyelids, she pictured Henry in her mind. She had given him up to give him his best chance in life, but that had backfired. Now that things were finally falling into place her life was about to be ripped apart. It's true Henry had Regina, and everybody else back in Storybrooke to look out for him, but she had promised that she would never leave him again, that they would always be together but now that promise was about to be broken. She was going to die and will never see him or her parents again. "I'm sorry Neal" she murmured, thinking now of the baby she was unable to save. Just then the sound of snickering travelled through the cave. "What?" she cried as two guards appeared in the firelight near the entrance. The jack that had imprisoned her and Regina when they first travelled to Wonderland, stood to face her. His deep black eyes boring into her. "It's a shame the saviour couldn't actually save anyone isn't it?" he tormented. Emma decided not to bite back, instead she held her tongue and tried to save her energy, arguing with a piece of paper wasn't going to make her situation any better. The Jack was adamant on getting under Emma's skin and continued to tease her by making soothing sounds as he warmed himself by the fire, "Ah that's nice, I've always prefered the warmer weather" he cooed. Emma threw her head back and tried to ignore him. She thought of a warm place, her imagination was the closest thing to reality at the moment. She clenched her eyes shut, 'something warm, something warm' her conscience repeated. She thought of hot cocoa with cinnamon, summer time in Tallahassee and then Regina. A tear then rolled down her cheek, surprisingly emitting a fraction of warmth to her pale face. There were so many things she wanted to say to her. So many things she wanted to do with her by her side. Being close with her had been confusing and frightened her, her feelings for her had changed dramatically over night. One day they were at each other's throats, the next they were in bed together. There relationship was complicated but the thought of not knowing what was going to happen next excited her, it's all she ever wanted in life, and that's when it hit her. Tinkerbell was right, Regina really was her true love. Nobody had ever understood her as well as Regina had, nobody had ever felt the same rejection that they both had. More tears fell as the realisation sunk in. "Cheer up love" a voice soothed. "Zelena?" Emma asked looking around the cave. "Zelena are you there?" she added. The guards shot her a funny look before returning to their conversation."Yes, i'm here" the witch spoke. Suddenly the witch appeared, she'd been using Mr Gold's cloak. With her back turned Zelena spoke again, "Are you missing your family?" she asked. Emma felt no reason to lie, "Yes" she confessed, an ache pulling at her heartstrings. Zelena then slowly turned, holding a baby in her arms. "You gave birth?" Emma gasped, eyeing the tiny baby. "No I found it, of course I gave birth", "Is it a boy or a girl?", "Never you mind" she cooed, letting the baby latch onto her finger. "You see, I have a family now, I've got Robin Hood weather he likes it or not, and now I have my baby and It's made me sad to think about your last memory of your parents. Nobody wants to part on bad terms so, how would you like to see them one last time?". Emma sat up and pulled herself up against the iced bars. Zelena rummaged in her pocket and fished out her hand mirror, she then cast a spell and the mirror travelled over the gaping drop and hovered in front of the cage. As the spell began to work a distorted image became clear. "Mom?" Emma mouthed, her voice getting caught in her throat, "Dad?" her pupils suddenly dilated as she caught sight of her parents, gagged and chained in one of the dungeon cells back at Zelena's mansion. David and Mary Margaret were sat back to back with their arms chained above their heads, blindfolded with a rope tied tightly around their mouths. "Let them go" Emma roared, grabbing the iced bars, attempting to break out of her cage. Zelena cackled wildly, holding her newborn close. "And why would I do that?" she asked sharply. "You only need me dead, you don't need to hurt them. Please just kill me and leave my family alone" Emma begged, gallons of tears dripping from her face. Zelena coughed slightly to clear her throat, her baby looking up to inspect the sound coming from its mother. "Your parents gave you up, why do you care what happens to them?", "No, no my parents didn't give me up, they spared me from a curse, YOUR mother gave YOU up" Emma retaliated, still clawing at the bars. Zelena's green skin seemed to darken, her body tensed with anger, while she let her emotions get the better of her she unintentionally squeezed the baby, causing the tiny thing to let out a piercing cry. Immediately fear seized hold of Zelena and she cradled the baby lovingly attempting to hush its cries. "This is your fault" she howled when the baby continued to cry. Emma didn't care, she glared at the witch, flaring her nostrils. Zelena outstretched her hand and summoned the mirror back, the image of Emma's parents disappearing from sight. "Enjoy your swim" Zelena croaked, and with that she disappeared beneath the cloak and vanished. This whole time the Jack guards had been eavesdropping on the conversation, and the sea had risen over halfway. The freezing cold water was now only a few feet below the cage. It was only a matter of minutes before the whole cave would be flooded. "Come on, let's get out of here" the one guard said to the other, noticing the rising water. "Please, please don't leave me here, help" Emma cried out, panic sweeping through her whole body. The guards showed no remorse for their prisoner and left without saying another word, leaving Emma completely alone. 

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