Chapter 7. Emma

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Chapter 7. Emma

Emma's body began to pulsate as she watched Regina lingering above in her matching black lace underwear. Her bra straps slid over her shoulders and Emma couldn't help but run her fingers over them before she unfastened the material at the back. Regina seductively raised an eyebrow and began to trail kisses down Emma's neck, then onto her chest. Emma clenched her eyes shut and focused on Regina's touch, her hands pulling at her shorts, leaving her completely naked from the waist down. Without hesitating Emma pulled down Regina's black thong and stared up at her beautiful toned body. Regina smirked and crawled down to Emma's crotch, gliding her fingers over her flesh. Emma's mouth fell open and she winced a little, both in pleasure and pain as their two bodies became one. Over and over again, Regina eased her fingers in and out picking up a pace that trapped Emma in a pure form of desire. When Regina positioned herself directly on top of her, the most delicious vibes amassed in their bodies, running through their veins as they rubbed together rhythmically, their legs caressing beneath the sheets. Regina threw her head forward, kissing Emma harder, gripping her shoulders tightly while the savior dragged her nails down her back. Emma then lifted her hips and moaned loudly with fulfilment as her body begged for release. "Regina.." she cried, flinching out of control as she reached her climax. Regina bit down hard onto Emma's lip, drawing blood before licking it away. "I prefer Your Majesty" She teased, making Emma suffer. Emma's eyes rolled to the back of her head as the intensity of her climax increased, "My Majesty" she moaned. Suddenly her body went numb, Regina screamed out Emma's name as her body lost its dominance, a not so subtle cramp unleashing itself between her thighs. Emma felt herself explode, her whole body becoming weak and fatigued. Regina's elbows gave way and she fell into Emma, closing her eyes and focusing on the sweet sensation leaving her body. Their breathing slowing slightly as their hearts returned to their own steady beats.
Two hours had passed since Regina turned up on the doorstep. Both women had fallen asleep next to one another, rebuilding their strength. Emma woke first, a gentle smile creeped up her face as she watched Regina soundly sleeping next to her, their legs still entwined beneath the cotton sheets. Why had it taken them so long to find this haven? They had been too busy trying to kill each other, when deep inside all they needed to do was find that special connection. Regina's breathing became louder as she slowly woke from her sleep. Her long dark lashes flickered as she regained consciousness. "Hi" Emma whimpered nervously, reminding Regina of the very first time they met. Regina smiled as she stretched, her breast appearing over the reseeding blanket. "Ms Swan" she smirked, staring up into Emma's glittering eyes. "You're beautiful" Emma exclaimed, smoothing Regina's cheek. Regina smiled again and ran her tongue over her lips. "Ms Swan I do believe you need to brush your hair". Emma inhaled and lay her head on Regina's chest, "That was-" she began. Regina grinned, "It was, wasn't it?".
Neal was still sleeping in his crib when Emma returned to the living room. Regina paced herself on the stairs and exclaimed "ah there it is" as she caught sight of her blazer. "So what now?" Emma asked, watching Regina slip her arms inside her blazer. "Now, I leave here for Granny's, because believe it or not I've worked up quite an appetite". Emma sauntered over to Regina and wrapped her arms around her waist. "Or you could stay here and I could cook for you?" Emma suggested hopefully. Regina smiled. "And risk someone popping round?", "My mom and dad are out until at least six, it's only 11 now, we have plenty of time". Regina glanced at the clock and nodded, "Ok" she agreed, slumping down on the sofa. Emma rolled her sleeves up and wandered into the kitchen.
"Pasta? I thought you were cooking" Regina scoffed when Emma returned with two bowls of steaming carbohydrates. Emma raised an eyebrow, "Well it was pasta or cereal, which would you prefer?", "I think i'd prefer Granny's lasagna". Emma forced the bowl away from Regina, "Well if you don't want it-", "I didn't say I didn't want it". Regina reached out for the black bowl and picked at the food with a fork. After they finished eating Emma began to giggle. "What's so funny?" Regina asked, "This. It's just... crazy". "Yes I must admit I never saw this coming". Emma's phone began to ring, interrupting their conversation. "Hook?" Regina asked, sneaking a peek at the caller ID. "No, It's Gold" Emma sighed. "Gold hi, what can I do for you today?" Emma answered the call, "Ok- well I'm kind of busy at the moment- Regina? No I haven't seen her- What right now?- Alright fine, I'll give her a call and meet you there- bye" Emma threw her head back. "What did he want?", "He wants us to meet him at the shop because there's apparently something we have to see, it sounded pretty urgent". Regina pulled herself up onto her feet, discarding her bowl. "Then what are we waiting for?". Emma slipped her boots on over her odd, inside out socks. Regina picked Neal up from in his crib and placed him in the pram. "You ok with him?" Emma asked, watching her strap the tiny baby in place. "Ms Swan, you forget that I raised Henry by myself until you showed up ten years later", Emma frowned, "I'm here now" she mumbled taking control of the pram, "Sorry, I don't know why I said that" Regina gasped. Emma shrugged and forgave her, thinking no more of it.
Storybrooke took a break from the hard work, the stench of lasagna drifted through the vents at Granny's as lunch hour came into full swing. Emma walked on ahead, making her way to Mr Gold's pawn shop whilst Regina kept a safe distance, arriving a minute later. "Gold, Ms Swan" Regina greeted as she swept in, "What do you want from me today?". Mr Gold held his hand over what looked to be a doll's house. "That's very pretty but I'm a little too old to be playing with dolls" Regina moaned. "It's not a toy Regina, it's an important and potentially dangerous magical object" he hissed. "Everything is always a potentially dangerous magical object when it comes to you" Regina muttered, rolling her eyes. Mr Gold stopped himself from being rude and instead he pulled the house apart making it split down the middle, revealing the many rooms and halls. "Did Barbie win the lottery?" Emma snuffled at the grand interior. "This house is a replica of Zelena's new, shall we say; hideout". Regina's face crumpled up, "What does she have to do with anything?". Mr Gold smirked, "Your sister is up to something, I don't know what it is yet but I have a feeling it has something to do with the disappearance of my cloak". "What that old raggedy brown thing? I would have thought green may have been more her colour" Regina put in. "Regina shut up" Mr Gold became impatient. "Little does anyone know but that cloak is enchanted with one of the the darkest forms of magic; invisibility. And with invisibility and a portal the witch will be able to return to storybrooke or in fact, any other realm, undetected". "What can we do to make sure this doesn't happen?" Emma asked fearfully. Regina folded her arms and grew serious. Mr Gold nodded, "I want you to get friendly with the mansion, find any secret doors, rooms, anything that could hold information on what Zelena is up to. But you must hurry, the spell will only last while she is out of the building and I fear she may return home soon". Emma looked at Regina confused but Regina knew what to do. She grabbed the tiny replica house and walked out of the shop. Emma followed behind with the pram. "Are you gonna tell me what's going on or are you going to make me guess?" Emma croaked, a cold wind taking her by surprise. "Not here, we need to get to my vault" Regina warned, checking the road for passing cars. The two women and the baby crossed the street and headed for the graveyard.
"How am I supposed to get a pram down those steps?" Emma asked frustratedly. Regina rolled her eyes and lifted her hands. A white source of light emitted from her palms and swirled around the pram, lifting it into the air, carrying itself down the steep concrete steps. Regina held out her hand, "After you Ms Swan". Emma took to the steps and walked into the all too familiar vault, an uneasy sensation forming in her gut, the only time she ever came down here was when something bad was happening. Regina pushed past and pulled open a draw. Inside it, sat a tray full of empty potion bottles. Regina took hold of one, and pulled the cork from the top. She then flicked the glass bottle and it started to fill with a frothy pink liquid. As Emma watched the liquid rise Regina sneakily plucked a single hair from Emma's head. "Ouch" Emma gasped, throwing her hand to her head to sooth herself. Regina didn't apologise, instead she dropped the hair into the potion and held it out to Emma. "Drink it" she said flatly. "Seriously? What even is that?", "It's a shrinking potion", "Like Alice in Wonderland?", "Something like that. Now here's what you've got to do, drink the potion, you'll become small enough to fit inside the house, go inside, check out as many rooms as you can, see if there's anything harmful lying around, Gold's cloak may be there, and God knows what else, should she come back before you leave, or for some reason you need to get out, I'll whip you out of there, but there would be no going back in once you've left". Emma looked back at Neal, "You'll keep an eye on him?" she asked, "Yes, now hurry we don't know how much time we have, by the way, it may look like a tasty milkshake but strawberries play no part in this drink" Regina warned. Emma raised the bottle to her lips and swallowed its contents in one go. Regina was right, it wasn't anything like strawberry milkshake, it tasted more like a bitter perfume. Suddenly Emma felt a pain shoot down her spine as she started to shrink. In seconds she was no bigger than a pen lid. Regina knelt down and picked up the pocket sized savior and placed her in front of the tiny door. "Be careful" Regina pleaded. Emma nodded and reached out for the door handle.
The wooden floorboards beneath her boots creaked as she stepped into the grand hallway. A crystal chandelier lingered down from the ceiling, a giant portrait of a flying monkey hung on the dark red wall and a busy patterned rug lay at the foot of the staircase. To the left was an oak door. Emma pushed it with the palm of her hand and it revealed a small library. Four tall shelves packed with books stared threateningly at her. "There may be a secret passage in here somewhere" Regina said quietly, watching Emma's every move. Emma crept up to the first shelf and started to pull out books. By time she got to the third shelf she came across a book that seemed to be glued into the shelf. "Try pushing it" Regina suggested. Emma extended her arm and gently pushed the spine of the hard covered copy of "Clues to the Curse". With that the shelf began to turn, taking Emma into another room. Unlike the library, this room was more of a dungeon. Two black leather armchairs sat side by side, with nothing other than a writer's desk for company. Emma's breath shook as she stepped closer to the desk, lifting up the lid. "What's that?" Regina asked. "I think it's a mirror" Emma replied "Only my reflection isn't there, It just shows what's behind me" she added, picking it up by the chipped metal handle. Carved on the back was the letter Z. "An Initial?" Emma asked, "Zelena" Regina replied, "Keep looking". Emma searched the desk drawer and rummaged through Zelena's belongings. All together she found the compact mirror, an empty cardboard box of some kind, a pacifier, a sheet of blank paper and a green quill. "I'm gonna go check another room" Emma spoke, closing the desk lid. She returned to the library and walked back into the hallway.
Upstairs Emma came across what looked to be the main bedroom; Canopy bed, velvet drapes, huge wardrobe, dressing table and an enormous mirror. Near the window was another door, behind it, a children's nursery. The room was painted white, everything smelt fresh and new. A moses basket hovered above the ground by itself, stuffed animals lined a shelf and a rocking horse sat in the corner. As Emma looked around a creaking sound came from behind. The rocking horse began to move and breathed out a deep dark gray smoke. "Regina" Emma called out, running away from the smoke. Regina immediately cast a spell over the savior, her protective powers placed Emma in a bubble and floated her out into open air. Within seconds she was back in the vault, full size. "What the hell was that?" Emma shouted, panting for breath. "A deadly gas, Zelena obviously cast a spell that will kill anyone, besides herself from entering that room" she huffed, glad to see Emma make it out alive. 

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