Chapter 20. Regina

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Chapter 20. Regina

Regina appeared to be back in Wonderland. Although she couldn't tell where in the realm she had transcended to, there was something familiar about the way the moonlight reflected on the river running by in the near distance. Everything beneath the smooth velvety sky was wet, for the rain clouds had dispersed but left behind evidence of its presence. Dark liquidish mud had squelched up Regina's arms and legs, with the odd splatter smothered up her face. She exhaled deeply and pushed herself up onto her elbows. Emma was here, weather she was near or not didn't matter, Regina was determined to find her and take her home to her family no matter what. As she climbed to her feet, Regina squinted into the darkness in the hopes she could find a footpath or road that would lead her to the mansion.
Pushing her way through a soggy field nearby, the only other sound besides her own heavy breathing was the caressing of overgrown grass. Regina seemed to be alone, which was frightening. With no friend or ally to help her get to Zelena's home, she hoped that she wouldn't bump into anyone or anything that could harm or delay her from getting to Emma. Bright glistening stars burning millions of miles away gave off little light as Regina continued her tiring walk deeper into Wonderland, and although she became tired she refused to stop.
After a night of rambling through the pitch black outskirts of Wonderland, the sun finally rose and took its place in the sky, safely leading Regina into the heart of the realm. The wet mud upon her flesh had hardened and dropped off, leaving her skin a dusty grey colour. "What I wouldn't do for a shower right now" she moaned to herself as she scrubbed at her arms with her fingernails. Just then she felt a prick of pain bite at her ankle. "What the hell?" she gasped as she looked down to see a small white ball of fluff withdrawing a tiny sword from her leg. "Are you going to the treacle well?" the small animal asked. Regina blinked, "Why what's it to you, rat?" she spat. "I'm not a rat, I'm a mouse", "Rat, mouse, hamster, they're all the same". The mouse threw her sword to the floor and folded her arms like a sulking child. "Tell me" she shouted, "Tell me why you stabbed me" Regina replied. The mouse turned away, refusing to give an answer. Regina smirked and picked her up by her long pink tail. "Alright alright, I'll tell you, oh I feel sick" the mouse pleaded as her tiny body lingered upside down in the open air. Regina placed her hand under the mouse's feet, giving it a platform to stand on. "Why did you stab me?" Regina asked again. The mouse sighed, "I'm training" she whimpered, "for what?", "to join the army". Regina laughed, "You join the army? But you're much too small to fight off those revolting monkey's" she mentioned. The mouse folded her arms once more, "You don't think I could do it?", "It's highly unlikely. But now tell me, what is this Treacle Well you speak of?", "You're a stranger, that's where strangers go". Regina looked taken aback. "You don't know who I am?" she asked, "No, should I?" the mouse asked. Regina smiled weakly, "No, no I'm nobody" she told, keeping her identity to herself. "Oh, then if you're not going to treacle well, where are you going?", "I'm looking for my friend, she was brought here by The Wicked Witch Of The West". The mouse covered her eyes and fell to her knees. "What? What's wrong?" Regina asked in shock of the mouse's reaction. "The Wicked Witch Of The West, is a very Wicked Witch. They say she fears nobody, of course there is a rumour about a sister but we're not allowed to talk about her". Regina widened her eyes, "Why not?", "Because, to speak of her is against the law, Zelena said so herself. Anyone who talks about the sister ends up in the penitentiary, or worse, dead". "but why can't anybody speak of this potential sister?", "Some say she is more powerful than Zelena, and that makes her jealous of her, they tell stories of her around the campfire, she's a most evil woman, others say she was here in Wonderland just the other day, a changed woman". Regina's eyes saddened as she thought of her past. She had come a long way from there, but thanks to Emma she really was a changed woman. "Don't worry though, if she comes back I will protect you" the mouse puffed out her chest. "You don't need to protect me, the evil queen isn't going to attack anyone", "How can you be so sure?". Regina smiled sweetly. "Because, I am Regina, Zelena's sister" she admitted. The mouse's jaw fell open and for a slight moment he looked afraid. "Please don't kill me" she murmured. "I'm not going to kill you, in fact, I think we could help each other". The mouse sat in Regina's palm and listened as she came up with an agreement. "I'll help you get into the army, if you help me find my friend", "Deal" the small mouse answered straight away, thinking solely of her dream of joining the army. Regina grinned, "Ok, so where do we go from here? How can I get to Emma?" she asked. The little mouse pointed up onto a high hill across the way. "Treacle Well" he breathed.

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