29-Niall: Love And Hate

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A personal imagine for MarahZubixxx
Enjoy :)
Niallerchaun :)
Dated: 06-11-2015

Music was your passion, becoming a singer was your dream, you did everything you could to achieve it and finally it paid off, you were now, and for an entire year the 6th member of One Direction. After winning the X-Factor, you signed a deal with Simon and Syco music company, according to that contract, the 1st year you would spend as a new 6th member of One Direction, that meant, you would sing along with them in their concerts, you would be a part of all their songs, your picture would be included with theirs in the cover of the album, and everything else

You were over the moon, not only was your dream coming true but also you would be spending an entire year with your favorite band and your long time crush Niall.

Today was the day you were meeting the boys, you were waiting for the boys in Simon's office, while you and Simon were talking about the tour to come, you heard footsteps, then the door opened to reveal 1D and Paul. Instantly a wide smile spread on your face, you cheeks reddened, you bit your lower lip to prevent yourself from squealing, you even stopped breathing

"Hi" you finally breathed out

"Hi" they all grumbled, it shocked you to see them like this, they were always so happy to meet new fans but they weren't even looking at you

"Boys meet Marah, Marah this is the band you would be performing with for the next year, and this is their and now your bodyguard Paul" Simon introduced

"It such a pleasure to meet you all, I am a huge fan" you smiled

"The pleasure is all ours" Liam smiled but his voice was filled with angry and disgust rather than his usual gentle and loving tone

"Your tour starts in 3 months, I would like you guys to start recording your new songs with Marah by tomorrow, today you 6 will be going out dinner to get to know each other better, Paul has already made arrangements...." and so the meeting went on, discussions related to songs, tour, albums happened, at the end of the meeting you came out smiling, you turned around to bid goodbye to the guys but they were already in the car

"We'll pick you up at 8" Paul smiled

"Sure" you said monotonously

Even though you were a tomboy, even though you hated wearing dresses but you were wearing a black strapless, knee length, back pencil heels, you let your butt-long hair open; you had a small black purse. At 7:30, Paul picked you up from your house

"Hi guys" you cheerfully greeted but all you got was glares and frowns, as dinner started you were totally ignored, the boys didn't even acknowledge your presence, you felt a pain in your heart, no matter how hard you tried to be a part of their conversation they always ignored you, only Paul seemed to be kind and once in a while he would send a sympathetic smile, you would smile back at him trying to assure him that you were okay. On your ride back home you were extremely quiet

"I am sorry about the lads behaviour today, they had a long day and they just wanted to go home and rest" Paul explained

"It's okay" you mumbled

"See you tomorrow at the recording studio" Paul said after you two had reached your house

"Sure" you smiled again

Today was the day you would start recording songs with One Direction, you didn't let yesterday get to you again, you woke up happy, got dressed in blue skinny jeans, white top, black sneakers, your long hair braided. Smiling and happy you reached the recording studio

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