Chapter 2: Today Was The Day

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~Chapter 2: Today Was The Day † ~ 

- I had to start packing my clothes into my oddly small bag. It was also the day that in less then 2 hours I was going to board what I called the ride to Hell. You don’t know how hard I tried to pursue my parents to let me stay. Using the same bullshit excuse, “I’ll stop I promise, I learned my lesson.” No matter how hard I tried the answer never varied. No.

- They claimed it would be better for everyone when in reality we all knew that it would only be better for them, not having to keep an eye on their little girl. Once again, only thinking about themselves. Shocking, not really.

- The way I viewed my parents after the day Jack left the house changed. I can’t even begin to describe the way they are seen in my eyes. Evil. Horrible. The spawn of Satan. I couldn’t seem to wrap my mind around why they would just let their 16-year-old son leave on his own, to be in the cold night after night, no food or shelter. Some parents they are right?

- I finished packing up the clothes I had in that small bag, like I had much anyway. It was time to leave for my summer, winter, fall, spring, however long it took to come clean trip.

- My bags were tossed into the back of the station wagon and it was only minutes until I was rushed out the door to leave for good.

- They didn’t even let me take a little bit of my monster. Do they want me to go absolutely insane?

- The whole ride I refused to even have my eyes leave the car window. As stubborn as it may sound, I didn’t care. I had a right to react the way I did, or at least I thought so.

- That one word kept running through my mind. The word help.

- “You know we are only trying to make things right Bailey.” My mother, almost on the verge of tears.

- “Whatever.” My voice. Stern. Deep. Rigid.

- I was longing for just one taste of the monster. With 250 dollars in my back pocket I could just satisfy that eagerness.

- That grip the monster had on me was tight and it wasn’t letting me go. I was close to suffocation.

- My mom was determined to get more then a one-word answer out of me, but I had will power. I had the power to keep silent as long as I possibly could. If I wasn’t silent, I knew I was going to say something I would regret in the long run.

- “Bailey, I don’t get why everything is such a fight with you.” My mom, still attempting to get the words out of me. She wanted an explanation just as bad as I wanted to turn that car around.

- I ran my fingers up and down my wrists feeling the slight bumps that were forever a mark on my body. Those who saw them classified it as a weak state of mind. All I called it was a way to let out all the stress I kept bottled up inside my soul.

- Most people had that one person they could look to for comfort. But me, I was pretty much a lone. The girl people didn’t even care about. “Oh Bailey Lexon? Who honestly cares what she had to say.” Story of my life.

- That car ride could not have lasted any longer. If it had, I might of just scratched out the windows to get myself away from my mothers weak sobs and my fathers occasional hard glance through the review mirror.  

- “Well, I guess this is it.” I didn’t let my father or mother help me get my things. I did it on my own only shunning them whenever they tried to even assist.

- My parents thought it was okay to open their hateful arms to hug their daughter good bye. Man, were they far from okay.

- I let them do what they had to wither it was kiss me for hug me. I felt like a puppet on a string.

- “See you whenever.” I huffed; my voice was full of regret. I made a clear point to leave behind the aura of hate.

- “We love you, please realize that.”

- “Just like you loved Jack?” I couldn’t help it any more. Those words stung, I knew it. I could tell by the look on my desperate mother face that she took that one in, deep as well.

- I couldn’t take being even in their presents.  My bags and I rolled down away from my car and to whatever spot was after that. Those details weren’t even important.

- “All boarding Flight 6 to Calabasas, California please line up in from of gate 6.” The prissy little flight attendant hummed into the microphone.

- I hated girls like that. They made me sick. Even sometimes cringe in their presents.

- This was it. I was now boarding my flight to the down under. Thanks mom and dad for making my life shot to shit.

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