Ch. 8 - Bro Code

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Hanna's POV

So, not only is my best friend in jail, but she's also in there because of me. She was in the hospital because of me, and she told me she would do this 'for' me. Voluntarily, Emily sacrificed her good name for me and I still have no clue why. I thought I had a friend who I could trust before but she turned out to be a phony. But from the day I met Emily, we always had each other's backs and it stayed that way, like a silent pact and this is the one time I broke what I thought could never be broken.

I'm the person I am today mainly because Emily has always been by my side. I hated who I was before. I hated who I always tried to be. And in a way, when I met Emily, she was feeling the same way. Together, we helped each other become who we always really wanted to be.

Except, right now, I don't want to be in there for me. She's always been the first to help me, I'm tired of following her lead on that.

No One's POV


"Hey Hefty Hanna, where do you get your clothes? Do you have to have them made special for you? I bet you do, don't you? Who helps pay for them? I know it's not your dad, he left your mom and you, didn't he?" Becca Jacobson sneered from the seat of the bus just two rows in front of Hanna Marin, giggling and whispering into the ears of her followers beside her.

"Shutup Rebecca! You don't know anything, so...shutup!" Hanna's lower lip quivered and she fought not to let these mean girls see her break.

"Oh Hefty Hanna's getting mad, what are you going to do? Sit on me? I bet you can't even get here fast enough to do that."

Hanna kept her head down and chewed on her bottom lip, forcing herself to ignore the skinnier, prettier, more popular blonde-haired, blue-eyed girl. Hanna wanted so much to be pretty like her, to have friends, to be popular, to have boys want to kiss her, but ever since the 4th grade, Hanna had to face the wrath of Rebecca Ann Jacobson, and what she did to deserve it she didn't know.

"Oh Hefty Hanna is all quiet now, she probably has food stuffed in her big, fat-"

"Oh would you shut the hell up already Rebecca?"

Hanna and Rebecca whipped their heads up at the same time.

"It's Becca! And who's going to make me? You? You and what army Mona? You're just as worse as she is, you and your nerdy little friends."

Hanna looked over to Mona who sat a seat to the right of Rebecca and a row ahead. Mona and her friends were kind of nerdy, but Hanna didn't think they weren't pretty. Under all the layers of clothing and long skirts, Hanna could tell they were skinny, they had long hair pulled back into ponytails, and narrower faces than hers...and to everyone Hanna ever knew being skinny was their idea of being pretty.

"It's been years already and god damn I won't go on this trip with you opening your stupid fat mouth the whole way there. We're in eighth grade, grow up already, I doubt this will be this fun when you go to that private high school that's 2 hours away that your dad is paying for just so he doesn't have to see your face too often." Mona laughed her own laugh and huffed, facing forward again, but not before smiling weakly at Hanna.

Other kids on the bus snickered and Rebecca clenched her fists, shouting, "you're just jealous Mona, you've always been jealous since I moved here in the 4th grade. You always wanted to be like me."

Hanna looked between Rebecca and Mona. Mona wanted to her? Like Hanna did? But Hanna couldn't tell, surely it was a lie.

"You're so full of yourself, you think you're so perfect? I seen picture of you before you moved here. You moved here because you were being teased too! You weren't so skinny, and you had braces, and let's not forget that unibrow. You can say all the shit you want to Hanna to me to whoever you want, but you're no better than the girls you ran from either. Just because your dad paid to fix you doesn't mean everyone who isn't trying to be like you is broken."

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