Ch. 2 - Repercussions

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Emily was thrown into a holding cell down at the Rosewood Police Department and all she could think was if they were going to feed her soon. It was stupid, she knew exactly how serious the charges could be for stealing, but her stomach growled and her mind went straight to food.

It went from food to the realization of what she had just done, of where she was. Her mom was going to kill her. Then Em thought to what Hanna had done. Why? Everyone, Hanna included thought that that addiction had gone away for good. Guess not.

Em played with the hem of her shirt and thought the whole scene over and why even when she realized what had happened that she so easily took the fall for Hanna.

*Think Fields, you can't let Hanna get arrested, she'll get real time, she wouldn't last in there. Think, what can you do? Think Em. Then it hit her as she made eye contact with her long-time best friend. I can do this. Hanna will owe me like no other, but I, Emily Fields, can take the fall for this. I have a clean record, saintly, so what's the worse? I have to protect Hanna.

Those were her thoughts, always feeling the need to protect those she loved, no matter what, and now here she was, sitting in Rosewood's holding cell at the Police Department. She just got arrested for "stealing" an expensive....super expensive....diamond studded necklace. So why wasn't she freaking out?

Part of the reason Em was so calm was because the moment Officer Cavanaugh came over, Em had already accepted the idea of being arrested. Well, that's something I can tell my kids. No, it would be a great party story, Hanna and I will laugh about this in no time, now I can't be labeled as predictable. Would innocent little Emmy get arrested?

No, she wouldn't so Em decided pretty definitively that she was doing this.

Emily didn't have to talk herself that into following up with this, this plan. But she did think what the plan would be if things when from bad to worse? Hanna will have a plan, I can hire a lawyer.

Then she thought about Hanna, where is she? Em wasn't worried though, she knew Hanna wasn't far behind them when she had been put in the back of the cop car, so Em slumped against the dull brick wall and closed her eyes, waiting for the blonde to come barging in.

"You know, for just getting busted for attempted theft, you sure are pretty calm in there. You don't have a record, you're as clean as a nun's sheets, people usually act- differently. Freak out, cry, get angry, beg to call their parents, ask what the bail is...," another officer was standing in front of the unit, looking over Emily like she was a puzzle and he was trying to fit all the pieces together.

"You're not one of those crazy, looney-bin women are you? I'd hate to see a gal like you in Radley."

Em opened one eye and then sat up straighter, opening the other eye. She shook her head to the crazy comment, looking over this other officer, Officer Reyes, and opened her mouth to say something, but realized that she needed to watch exactly what she said from here on out so that she didn't get into "trouble" or cause any suspicion about the "offense she committed."

"Well, Officer Reyes, I can assure you I am not crazy, but I have, however, recently decided that I'm no longer a "usual" person."

- - - - -

Hanna sat in the parking lot with her hands gripping the steering wheel so hard her knuckles paled. She didn't realize how hard that was until her phone ringed and she jumped, her hands cramping as soon as she let the steering wheel go. She picked it up, the number was unknown but she answered anyway.


"Hanna, its Em."

Hanna let out a long exasperated sigh and shook her butterflies over, "Jesus Em, what are you doing?"

Orange Is the New Emilyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें