I leaned around the younger boy to kiss his stomach and croon, "Merry Christmas, baby Bean! Daddy loves you!"

Liam grinned at me, "You call yourself Daddy now, hmm?"

Harry stuck his tongue out at him for me, "He is our baby's daddy."

"And you're Dada?" Liam asked.

"Jelly Bean's dada," Harry nodded.

My heart swelled in adoration for the younger boy, and I kissed his cheek. The girls and Niall finally came and settled at the table, with Niall sitting on Liam's lap and Daisy and Phoebe sharing a chair to save room. Lottie handed out plates and cups to everyone, and my mum put the pancakes on table. I patted Harry, trying to get him to stand up so I could get him some peanut butter, applesauce, and put the milk on the table for my mum. However, my mum simply waved a hand as Harry, clung onto me desperately, "I'll get whatever you need, dear. You just sit with Harry. You don't need to strain your stitches in your hand, anyway."

"Applesauce and peanut butter?" Harry asked hopefully.

"You'll get your applesauce and peanut butter, babe," I assured, and Niall laughed.

"And I thought I ate weird stuff," Niall whispered to Felicity, who giggled.

Harry made a pouting face, "Is not weird... Jelly Bean likes it, too. Tastes good, is not weird."

"Leave my Kitten alone!" I scolded, petting his tummy. "He and my Jelly Bean have to eat, and Harry is eating good things for Jelly Bean cause he's so good to our baby. He's a good dada."

Harry blushed, petting my leg, "Louis is a good daddy to our Jelly Bean, too! He takes Harry so we can look at Jelly Bean, and he always makes sure Harry takes Jelly Bean's medicine."

"Speaking of medicine, you need to take your vitamins!" I told him, once again trying to slide out from under him. He allowed me to leave him sitting on his chair this time, and I retrieved his vitamins from the medicine cabinet. When I returned, he had poured himself some milk, and had pancakes on his plate, but while everyone was eating happily he was sitting and waiting for me. He grinned at me, standing happily to allow me to slide under him, and then he sat back on my lap. I opened his vitamins and placed them on the table, "You silly Kitten, you didn't have to wait for me!"

"Wanted to," Harry insisted. "Love you, my Louis."

"I love you, too, darling," I chuckled, reaching to grab his milk so he could take his vitamins.

"Hows work, Louis?" my mum asked.

"It's good," I informed her. "Zayn and I keep each other from boredom."

"So Zayn is dating that red haired man, now, right?" her eyes flickered to Harry, who was dumping applesauce onto his pancake that he'd already smothered in peanut butter. "Chris?"

"Right," I nodded. "He and Chris are actually visiting Chris' family, or else they'd probably be here."

"Is that even good, Harry?" Lottie spoke up, looking skeptical.

"It-" the younger boy began.

"To Harry it is cause hes's preggers," Niall interrupted. "But to us it would probably taste like absolute-"

"Niall!" both Liam and I warned.

The blonde boy's ears fell, and he poutingly ate his pancakes, but he left my Kitten alone. Harry happily ate my pancakes, and I ate as well with a hand resting on his tummy. Once Harry finished eating, and settled back against me contently, Daisy and Felicity started arguing. Felicity accidentally knocked over Daisy's milk, and Daisy let out a shriek. At the high pitched sound, underneath my good hand there was a quick nudge. Harry jumped in surprise as well, but then he burst into giggles, "I think you scared my Jelly Bean! Made him or her kick!"

Uniquely Three - Larry Stylinson AU Kitten!Harry (MPREG) {Book3}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon