Chapter 5

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"Octavia!" I should have known she would come

"How am I so stupid? I should have known she would come after me when she realised I was gone.
This is all your fault" I say

I think I said that a little too harshly. I can see the hurt in Clarke's eyes. She's blinking back tears now. What have I done.


"Don't talk to me." She's pauses

"I didn't ask for you to save me, I had a plan" she continued

I can hear the hurt in her voice

I'm about to speak when she interrupts me.

"This is yours fault, if Octavia dies this is on you." The way she says it hurts me

The truth is, it hurts me that I hurt her.

How could I have been so stupid?

"Clarke I-"

"Shut up Bellamy, I'm done talking to you".


I wish I wasn't trapped here so I could get away from Bellamy. I get that he loves his sister but he can't blame me for her being here. She came to save him not me.

I don't even understand how I'm hurt by this. It's not like I have any feeling for him, but it still hurts.

I wish I was with Finn, he could make me feel better.

Someone is at the 'cell' gate.

He's the man who captured me. He never told me his name.

"You" he points at me when he says this, "Decide."

"Decide what?" I ask

"Either you two live, or she lives. Not both" he clarifies

My heart is beating so much, I can feel the pressure. Do I do what is right and spare a young girls life of do I be selfish and keep myself alive?

I can feel both Bellamy and the mans eyes on me. I need to choose. But what choice do I make?

The man has opened the door and stepped inside now.

I can see out of the corner of my eye, there's a nail lying on the ground about a half a meter away from my feet.

If I talk and he doesn't agree I can use it.

"No, we all live." I say

I can see his eyes are trained on me. Watching my every move like he's guarding me or something.

He cocks his head to the side a bit and raises his eyebrows. "No?" He says

He turns me and puts me in a choke hold. "How about I kill all three of you?" He says and after he laughs a little like he enjoys our suffering

I can make eye contact with Bellamy now that I'm facing him. I look at him and then look at the nail. Trying to get him to understand what I want him to do. He sees the nail, good.

I mouth 'kill him', he nods.

In one quick movement he reaches down, grabs the nail and places it in the mans leg. The man screams in pain and let's me go.

The doctor instinct in me removes the nail and places a bandage around his leg.

"What are you doing Clarke?" Bellamy asks frustrated.

I give him a quick stare, and continue tying. Bellamy stabbed him deep.

He's not going to be able to walk for at least three days. Good we can get away.

We run out and shut the door with the man inside. Outside there is a crowd gathered around someone, I'm guessing it's Octavia.

We run to the crowd and push our way through. When we get to the front we see Octavia, strapped to a pole with gash wounds on her arms, legs and body. None look fatal that's a good sign. Lexa is standing there holding the sword. I look at Bellamy and I know he's thinking the same this as me. He runs over to her and holds a knife to her throat. He's got her stuck but she yells something to a man near me. He turns and holds me the same way the man did in the cell. Why does this keep happening to me? I hate it.

But this time it's not just his arm holding me, he has a knife to my throat too. Octavia sees me and yells for Bellamy. He turns and I can see the shock on his face. He runs to Octavia and frees her but by the time he gets to me I can feel my throat is wet with blood. I can still breath alright so I'm ok for now but if the man holding me goes any deeper I'm screwed.

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