I finally got home and he drove off. I took my phone and plopped myself on the couch smiling big. "Someone's happy." My dad walked in, it must have been his day off today. "I can be happy." I giggled as I got up and hugged him. He hugged me back, kissed my forehead and then let go. "How's that boyfriend of yours?" He had the biggest smirk on his face and I punched his arm, "he's not my boyfriend!" I yelled laughing. He laughed and continued talking, "he seems like a nice boy... Does he know about Lance?" He questioned me. I nodded and he comforted me as I started to think about him. "I'm going to take a nap." I went up to my room, I wasn't sad or upset, I was just so tired. I'll wake up later.

BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! I jumped and turned my alarm clock off as fast as possible. School? It's Monday? I thought I was just going to take a nap! It looks like I slept all through the night, oops. I felt like being cute today since I was lazy all last week. I put my hair down and took two sections of it and pinned it behind my head with a bobby pin, I then put a cute mint colored bow there. I put on a white shirt that had some mint colors on it, black leggings and some mint colored vans. Let's just say this was my kind of color today, I smiled at myself and did my makeup, It turned out really good today. I went downstairs, got a granola bar and waited outside on my porch for Derrick to pick me up. As soon as I finished my granola bar he pulled in the driveway. I smiled, grabbed my bag and hopped into the truck. "Good morning, you look nice today. Not that you don't every other day." He smiled at me. "Thanks." I giggled, smiled, then buckled myself up. A few minutes later we ended up at the school.

The school day was going by so fast, it was already time for lunch and I was running late because I couldn't get my stupid locker open. I ended up getting it open and someone closed it... you've got to be kidding me right now. I looked up to see who it was and it was one of the guys on the football team. I think his name is Daniel. Derrick told me that him and Adam don't like him because he thinks he's better than everyone else. "Hi there." He said with a smirk and raising his eyebrow trying to play Mr. Nice Guy. I gave him a weak smile and went to put my combination in one more time until he grabbed my wrist, ow. He grabbed it hard and forcefully. "Do you mind?" My attitude started to come out. "Oh, you're a feisty one, huh?" He then took my other wrist and pinned them to the lockers above my head. His body was pressed against mine and his face was close. This seemed like the dream I had, but this was no dream. I started to get mad, I thought about what to do and I did it. I spit in his face. His face went from a smirk, to a not so happy face. Was what I did wrong? Nope. "You just made a big mistake." He told me quietly while gritting his teeth together. Now I was starting to get scared, I couldn't think now. His strong arms slammed me against the lockers, the locks on the lockers hurt like hell. This was not okay, I closed my eyes tightly in pain. I yelled at him to let go, but when I did he slammed me again... but harder. "Hey! Let her go, Daniel!" I heard a familiar voice yell at him, I looked over to see who it was but I couldn't move. A strong force had gotten Daniel off of me, my back hurts so bad I bet there'll be a bruise there. I sat on the ground while the person cursed at Daniel. I looked up and saw who it was... Adam. Thank god he came just in time. Who knows what Daniel could have done, I knew he was a bad guy but... he just scares me now. Soon Daniel left, ignoring every damn thing Adam yelled at him for. Adam was furious, I could tell, but he kept his chill. He knelt down to my shaken up body, I just couldn't stop shaking. "Are you okay?" He asked grabbing my hand to comfort me. I nodded slowly and turned my head to see Derrick standing in the doorway from lunch, he was watching me and Adam, he looked kind of jealous. Adam stood up still holding onto my hand and helped me up with him, "thanks" I mumbled. "It's no problem," he said comfortingly, he let go of my hand and rubbed my shoulder just to make sure I was okay. "Adam... can I talk to you?" Adam looked up and saw Derrick talking to him. He agreed and they both went to the boys bathroom while I went to lunch and sat with some of the nice football players.

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