Hold Me

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I should probably update my other story as well, but I wrote this one after a good song I heard. It kind of inspired me. So here it goes.
The song is called Staying by Koda.

As winter takes me now, Of cold and clammy skin.
Of barren empty womb, As I am born again.

"I can't believe it, y-you're pregnant?!" Natsu exclaimed in surprise. Lucy, filled with happiness and excitement, nodded. She let down few tears of joy.
"Natsu, it's a miracle!" Lucy yelled. A miracle it was. Lucy was told she couldn't have children by her doctor. Although she knew this, it didn't stop her from trying. She had missed her monthly flow and she experienced morning sickness, she had doubts, but when she tested, it came back positive: a baby.
Natsu walked towards her, since he was sitting down on Lucy's bed, and hugged her, lifting her off the ground.
"Lucy, I love you so much!"
"I love you too, Natsu." Lucy hugged back, resting her head on his shoulder. Natsu set her down, and knelt down to her stomach. He rubbed it softly and spoke to it. "I can't wait for you to be born, my child."
Lucy giggled as Natsu kissed her stomach. He stood up and asked "Did you tell anyone from the Guild yet?"
"No, not yet," she responded, "I wanted you to be the first one I tell."
"Then what are we waiting for?" Natsu said, "Let's go give everyone the great news!" Natsu grabbed her wrist and pulled her to the door, running toward the guild to tell everyone. Lucy, following along, was so excited to start a family with the person she loved.

I know you'll protect us, Natsu.
How is this happening? How could this be HAPPENING?!
Flames erupted around Magnolia, hundreds of people were dead, even more wounded. Fairy tail tried to evacuate the city beforehand, but even they were in disbelief.

Its pulling at my hair, And crawling all within.

Natsu is E.N.D. And his true form was revealed.
He had killed Zeref, who had created him, and now he was on a killing rampage. He vowed to destroy the world that existed.
E.N.D. had killed many innocent people, he hurt Natsu's friends, and now the love of Natsu's life was standing in front of him, holding a newborn baby wrapped in a blanket.
"Natsu ... what have you become?" Lucy cried. "What happened to always protecting your friends and family? What happened to always protecting Me? And Nashi? What happened to always fighting for your friends? What happened to the person who fooled around and made everyone happy? What happened to the person I love deeply?" She paused, trying to catch her breath. "What happened to Natsu?"
E.N.D. ginned wickedly, walking closer to her and her baby.
"Who's Natsu?" He said. Lucy's eyes widened and tears streamed down her face uncontrollably. Nashi began to cry in her mothers arms. Lucy held her close, knowing that this was it. E.N.D. laughed evilly, pushing Lucy away from the baby. He held Nahsi in his arms, looking at her features. Nashi, finding the warmth surrounding them comforting, slept. "How sweet," he said, "She will never wake up again." Lucy, picking herself up from the ground, watched in horror as E.N.D. held Nashi above a nearby river, letting her fall in and drown. Before Lucy had any time to react, E.N.D. ran behind her, and slammed his knee into her back, watching her fall back to the ground.
"It's a shame really," he began, walking to where Lucy had landed unconscious, "I really wanted to have more fun with you, but I have places to be and things to destroy, you're only holding me back." Natsu lifted her up by her throat, causing her to gasp for air and struggle to breath. "I guess this is goodbye," E.N.D. said while tightening the grip on her throat. Her last few words shocked him beyond compare, giving Natsu a chance to fight for his consciousness back. When Natsu finally returned, the damage had been done. The family he longed for was gone. He killed them, he couldn't protect them. Natsu sobbed over Lucy's dead body, cursing himself forever.
Natsu, I know you tried to protect us, I love you.

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