"I don't know. "Xoe walked around the corner and to the room beeping was coming from and looked inside. "Toby! Come here! "Toby ran to Xoe.

"What is it?! What's wrong?! Xoe! Are you okay?! When he saw Xoe standing by the door he sighed in relief but kept running to her. He threw himself into Xoe's arms nearly knocking her over. He took Xoe's face into his hands and looked her over.

"Toby calm down, I'm okay. "Xoe chuckled.

"What's wrong then?"


"Then why did you call me over here like that?"

"Open this door, you aren't going to believe it." Toby opened the door let led outside to their very own private hot spring pool.

"Oh my god! Our own Hot Spring pool, are you kidding me?!"

"Yup". Toby took Xoe and held her.

"This is amazing.

"So what would you want to do first?" Xoe asked.

"Well what time is it?" Xoe checked her watch.

"It's 6:13."

"Okay. Are you still hungry after that stop at Good Times?"

"No, not really."

"Well, I don't know about you but I want to get into the hot spring."

"That sounds great." They both grabbed their suitcases and ran into the bedroom. Xoe went into the bathroom to change. Five minutes later Xoe walked out of the bathroom with her bikini on. Toby was in his swim trunks sitting on the bed. They both looked at each other. They have never seen on another in this way. Toby looked up and down her tan, slim body.

"You look great. Your body is... wow."

"Thank you. You look good too." Xoe walked towards Toby. Toby sighed deeply. Xoe grabbed Toby by the hand.

"Ready to go to the spring?"

"Yeah?" They walked to the hot spring.

"You go first." Toby said, letting go of Xoe's hand.

"Fine." Xoe sighed and stepped into the hot spring. She stood in the deep water and waited for Toby. "You coming?"


"Come on." Xoe gave Toby a seductive look. Xoe grabbed Toby's hand and led him into the hot spring. "See? Now isn't that better?" Toby pulled Xoe as close to him as possible and settled into one of the seats.


"Yeah Toby."

"Can I say something?"

"Of course." Xoe closed her eyes and relaxed her body. Toby swallowed.

"I want you Xoe," Xoe quickly looked at Toby. "I want you so... so badly. Don't you want me too?"

"Of course I do! But I thought we agreed we would let fate decide when it happens. Didn't we?"

"Yeah we did but, it's just so hard Xoe. Just seeing your face teases me. I want you so bad! What if fate is trying to tell us now is the time?"

"If fate is really trying to tell us now is the time then you have nothing to worry about. Okay?"


"Do you really think that fate is telling us that now is the time?"

"Yes, I really do." They both grew silent.

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