Chapter 3

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Ahhhhh!!! A new chapter!! I am getting such good feedback on this story<3 thanks you guys so much! i just love you all. Can i put you all in my pocket and keep you forever?!?!


Uh.. Why?

Come on... Pwease!!

With a cherry on top?

Still no?

Okay fine..

But you will pay for that!!! >;)

Oh.... By the way!! That is ronny on the side.. That guy is a model!! Hot huh?!?! I know right!! hahaha Yummy!! ^_^


I got up and started to get ready to go to school. Ronny was still in bed, so I got dressed quietly. I can’t believe they still get to have Mondays off. Stupid mechanics! Eh. I shouldn’t blame them. Crazy Mrs. Haney decided that she wanted to torture us and make class on a Monday.

I have my morning art class with Andrew today so I asked him to pick me up. I wanted to forget all about our little discussion. Plus I wanted to investigate on this him being gay thing. It was a crazy idea. But for some reason I wanted to know. I have no idea why, I just did.

Maybe I could set him up with one of my gay friends if he was. I felt jealousy shoot through my system. Why did I just get jealous of that? I could never like Andrew. He was to much of a best friend.

I shrugged the whole thought of him off, and set my mind to finish getting ready.

When I was done I shot him a text saying that I was ready.

Andrew just lived a few blocks down, so I just went outside to wait on our steps. He arrived quickly. I forgot to put on a sweater today, so when I got into the car Andrew gave me a concerned look.

“Yeah?” I questioned him.

“Are you cold?” He said while reaching into the back seat. “Here.” He handed me one of his sweaters.

“Thanks.” I said, shrugging the sweater on. The sweater smelled like Andrew. He had a strange scent about him. He always smelt like the forest and rain. I know that may sound gross, but those are my two favorite scents. Odd that he smells like that. Don’t you think?

I turned my head to look out the window. It was a 15 minute drive to our school, so I got comfortable and felt the warmth of the heater against my cold cheeks.

I reached to turn up the stereo and I heard a familiar song starting.

A song called “All of the light” by kanye west started playing. I don’t usually like rap or hip hop, but this song had a sick beat, and it took all my will power to not jump out of the car, when we stopped at a red light, and dance my ass off.

I looked over at Andrew and he was smiling at me.

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