Chapter 19

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“Are you almost ready?” Immy whined from outside of the bathroom door.

“Hold up biotch! I am doing my hurr.” I said all ghetto.

“Your what?!” She laughed.

“Immy!” I heard Andrew yell. “Leave my baby alone! Beauty takes time, and he needs it.” Andrew and Immy both busted out laughing.

“Wow jerks!” I yelled from inside the bathroom, but I just ended up laughing along with them.

I finished straightening the last of my hair and came out of the bathroom, Immy had her ear to the door, so she fell right when I opened it.

“Pathetic.” I said, hopping over her. Andrew was on the couch drinking soda, and watching TV. I skipped over to him and jumped on his lap, kissing him and distracting him from the TV.

“You want to stay here?” He whispered excitedly. We haven’t had sex yet, I don’t know why, I guess I am just waiting for the right moment.

“No mister, I promised my mom that we would go to this little pride party.” I laughed, hopping off of his lap, and sitting next to him. He held onto my hand, he squeezed it and I looked up and him, and he just smiled.

This was perfect, us two. I bet we will be together for a long time.

I looked back at the TV to see what he was watching.

“The Last Song?” I laughed, hysterically.

“Yeah!” He said in a manly voice.

“Your so adorable.” I laughed, and kissed him on the cheek.

It was at the part where he was carving their name into the tree.

Andrew looked at me with a big cheeky grin. An idea forming in his head.

“No!” I said before he could ask.

“Come on, it would be romantic!” He smiled, begging me with his eyes.

“No!” I said to him, not wanting to turn him down after he gave me those puppy dog eyes.

He pulled me up, and I followed him out the door reluctantly, he grabbed a knife before we left.

We went to the nearest tree and started to carve our names.

“This is so dumb.” I said, trying to hide my happiness, at how romantic he was, but so cliché!

“You know you like it.” He laughed, just finishing up his name.

Wait! That is not his name or mine!

“Who is that?” I asked confused looking at the name. “Antdrew?” I said, staring at the odd name.

“Yes Ant, for Anthony, and Drew, for Andrew.” He laughed, explaining it, as if explaining to a child.

“Why is my nickname Ant?” I laughed.

“My friend Ken came up with it.” He laughed, “I think it is cute.” He smiled at me.

“Okay then, if you think it is cute, then so do I.” I said, planting another kiss on his cheek.

He turned his head, so I could kiss him on the lips.

“What are you homos doing!” Immy yelled from her door.

“None of your damn business!” I yelled back, going back to kissing Andrew.

He was so perfect. I want every moment with him to be memorable.

“We better go.” He said, breaking the kiss.

“Okay.” I sighed. He started to walk away, and I ran up to him and jumped on his back. He laughed and carried me inside.

“Are you guys finally ready?” Andrew groaned, when we got inside.

“Yes!” Immy said, walking out of her room, with Vanessa on her side.

“What are you guys wearing?!” Andrew and I both said at the same time.

They were wearing some kind of rainbow outfit.

“We are going to a pride party right?” Vanessa asked, sarcastically.

“I guess.” Andrew said, looking down.

“Let’s move it then!” I said to everyone.

When we got to the address my mom told us about we were all amazed at how huge the house was. It was in the middle of the forest, and it looked amazing.

“Is this the Cullen house?” I asked rhetorically.

“Psh, no!” Andrew laughed.

“I was joking.” I said.

“Oh sorry.” He laughed again. We all got out of the car, and walked up to the huge house. The door was open so we just walked in. This is nothing like I expected.

There wasn’t rainbows and disco music playing, it was just a simple get together.

“So much for your expected pride party.” I said, leaning over to whisper at Vanessa and Immy.

“Whatever.” Immy said, sticking out her tongue.

“Anthony!” My mom exclaimed from the other side of the room.

“How embarrassing.” Immy said laughing, speaking my thoughts exactly.

She ran to us, and gave us each a long hug, mine lasting the longest because I was last, and her son, so double whammy.

“Glad you guys came.” She said, pinching my cheeks.

“Ma!” I protested trying to push her away.

“What?!” She laughed. A guy came up from behind her and put his arm on her shoulder, and smiled at us all.

“Oh!” My mom exclaimed, “this is the host of the party. Everyone say hi to Donavan.” She said.

“Hi Donavan.” We all said at the same time, earning a smile and a chuckle from him.

“This is Immy and her beautiful girlfriend Vanessa.” My mom said, pointing at Immy and Vanessa, “and this is Andrew, and his beautiful boyfriend, and my son, Anthony.” She said, smiling at me and Andrew.

“Nice to meet you all. You are all very charming.” He smiled at us, then looked at me and Andrew, staring at our interlocked hands. He looked away quickly, hoping no one noticed then went back to all the other people at the party.

That was strange, I thought to myself.

“That was weird.” Immy said, looking at me and Andrew.

“I know.” Andrew whispered.

The night went on very slow, we were introduced to everyone. And they all had the same reaction.

“What cute couples.” Was everyone’s initial reaction. Like we were a bunch of trained monkeys, here for their entertainment.

When the party ended we all said goodbye and left in Immy’s car. We took the scenic route home, rolling down all the windows and opening up the moon roof, and looking at the stars.

It was such a beautiful night. It’s moments like these that will last a life time.


Sorry for the horrible chapter lol, i had a lot planned for the party scene, but i blanked when i started writing it.. It's okay though, the next chapter will be amazing, because they are going to the fair! Yeah i know right, it will be so cute!:D

Anyways.. TWO MORE CHAPTERS LEFT!! lol wow.. i am going to miss writing 'How Far' when i first started it, i was just messing around, but looked what it turned into, almost 6,000 reads and growing.. wow i hope this one goes far!!


How far? [BoyxBoy] [Book I]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant