Love Quarrel

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"What the fuck!" Hoshiro yells as he slams Ikuto against the wall. "You got to be kidding me! Betraying your friend!"

"It...was not what it looked like...." Ikuto mumbles to the ground.

"Ha! Yeah, right! You were fucking kissing her dude! I told you I liked her and yet you go against your word saying that you're just friends! You got some nerve dude, some nerve!" Hoshiro outrageously says.

"Hoshiro-kun! Stop it! Please......stop hurting him....." Yashina screams with worry from behind.

Hoshiro turns around, "You're one to talk. You're at fault too. You know Sashari is heartbroken as well, right?"

Yashina's eyes starts to water, "Yeah.....I know......and I'm sorry. I'm sorry ok?! Just please.....please stop this madness....."

Hoshiro lets go of the collar of Ikuto's shirt and Ikuto kneels on the ground coughing. Yashina runs to Ikuto and kneel behinds him.

"Are you okay Ikuto-kun?" Yashina says with worry.

"Yeah...I'm fine. My head just hurts a bit." Ikuto said.

"Want me to take you to the nurse?"

"No, it's fine." Ikuto says then starts walking but his legs were moving on their own, side to side, not in a steady line.

"Here. Come on. Let me take you to my house." Yashina says, wrapping one of Ikuto's arm around her neck.

At Yashina's house, Ikuto is putting ice on his head while Yashina is trying to text Sashari an apology for what happened during Christmas.

(Hey. It's me. Um....I'm really sorry for what happened on Christmas. I won't do anything like that again with Ikuto-kun. I promise. Hope you can forgive me.)

Yashina then clicks Send. I promise, Yashina thinks to herself. For some reason my heart is tearing apart for promising since a thing to my best friend. I can't show any affection to him anymore? Wait. Ahhhhh!!!!! I'm in love with Ikuto-kun?! Wait! That can't be!!!! Yashina's face is all red from her long train of thought.

"Yashina, are you alright? You face is all red." Ikuto says, looking at her.

" I'm totally fine, Ikuto-kun. Totally fine. Don't worry about me...." Yashina says nervously. "Anyways, you should get going. And try to make up with Hoshiro-kun. All of us fighting like this makes me very sad. I just want us to be back to what we used to be." Yashina says.

"Oh.......oh." Ikuto says with a bit of disappointment in his voice. She says she wants things back the way it used to be. So that kiss was for nothing huh? What a gift. I guess she never had liked me anyways. Whatever, Ikuto thought.

Ikuto got up and left Yashina's house without saying good bye.

Next day at school, Sashari, Hoshiro, and Ikuto were standing together by a tree and Yashina runs to them.

"Hey......" Yashina says awkwardly.

"Hey. I got your text. I accept your apology. This time, make sure you don't break your promise. K?" Sashari says to Yashina.

"Yeah..." Yashina says looking at the floor, thinking about the promise.

"I forgive u too man." Hoshiro says to Ikuto, giving him a pat on the shoulder.

"Mm mm..." Ikuto makes a "ok" sound.

"Yay! Now we are all together like we used to be! No more fighting ok guys? Right Ikuto-kun?" Yashina says with a smile towards Ikuto.

"Yeah..." Ikuto mumbles, turning his head to the side, avoiding eye contact.

Afterschool, Yashina went home after saying goodbye to her friends and plops on her bed. What's wrong with Ikuto-kun? Yashina thinks to herself. For some reason, whenever I say hi to him in the halls he's always not looking at me. Is he trying to avoid me? But....why? The fight between the four of us has ended, but now......I think a fight has occurred between me and Ikuto-kun. WHAT IS HAPPENING!!!!!!!!! :(

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