Christmas Time

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Days past by, all four had became best of friends. It's now December. Christmas is coming. Colorful rainbow lights light the night starry sky, decorations everywhere. There is a huge green tree in the center of a park, shiny ornaments on it with white lights. Jingles bells ring and people singing carols. Kids laughing and playing with snow and couples kissing underneath the mistletoe.

"I just lovvvvvvveeeeeeeeeee CHRISTMAS!!!!!!" Sashari screams with excitement, running ahead of the others.

"Why am I not surprise?" Hoshiro says with a sigh, shaking his head.

Yashina laughs, "That's Sashari for you!"

"Here it is." Ikuto points at the restaurant.

Yashina's and Sashari's eyes widen.

"Whoa!!! This place is so fancy!!! It must cost you a fortune for reservation!" Yashina says.

"Well, I think we should enjoy our time together in one of the greatest restaurants in the world. This is my Christmas gift to you guys." Ikuto said then smiles.

"Wow!!!! OMG! Thanks Ikuto!!!! You're the best!!!!" Sashari cheers and they enter the restaurant.

The place was dim. It had pretty candles on each table. The cups and plates were shining sliver, so as the utensils. They had tons of expensive food. Cocktails, ox tougue, ribs, lamb chops, you name it. All four friends were eating, drinking, and having fun.

2 hours later,
"I'm stuffed!" Hoshiro says rubbing his belly, walking out of the restaurant.

"Yeah, me too." Sashari says.

"Let's go sit on that bench and rest for a while." Hoshiro says walking with Sashari, then turns around. "Ikuto, you coming?"

"No. I'm fine. I'm going to enjoy the sights." Ikuto replys.

"Oh. Me too. I'd never really been out during Christmas so I really want to enjoy it this year." Yashina says.

"Ok. I guess we're parting ways. Let's meet back here around 9:00pm." Hoshiro says looking at his watch.

"Yeah, sure thing." Ikuto nods and walks away with Yashina.

Ikuto and Yashina started spending their time together walking around the city, looking at lights and decorations.

"OMG!! That's so pretty. Oh oh, and that one too. Hey look. This one is nice as well." Yashina says excited, pointing to the things.

Ikuto chuckles, "You just love these things so much."

"Well, I'm sorry if I'm trying to have fun here." Yashina says in an attitude.

"Ok ok. Oh wait. I have a gift for you." Ikuto says reaching his hand behind his back.

" Wait. I thought you already gave us a gift. The dinner, I mean." Yashina says confused.

"Yeah, well. This is a present......just for you." Ikuto says.

Yashina's eyes just stares and blinks at him, then blushes. Ikuto shows out his hand and there was a small black box.
Yashina took it and opened it. It was a heart shaped necklace with fine gold color.


"Ugh! It's 9:00. They should be here by now." Hoshiro says looking at watch.

"Come on. Let's go look for them." Sashari says then gets off the bench.

Back to the scene with the necklace,

"" Yashina whispers. "This is so......I it." Yashina says holding back her happy tears.

"Your welcome." Ikuto smiles.

"Hey, since you gave me two gifts, I should at least be polite and give you a gift." Yashina said.

"You brought me a gift?" Ikuto asks.

"No, I don't need to."

"What? What do you......." But before Ikuto could finish his sentence, Yashina 's red lips crashes into his.

Their lips touch each other, moving in sync. Both of them are soft and sweet like cotton candy. Ikuto puts his tougue into Yashina's mouth and Yashina takes it as a surprise but lets him roam his tougue around the inside of her mouth. Yashina puts her arms around his neck, while Ikuto puts his arms around Yashina's waist pushing her tighter into him.

However, meanwhile, across the street, were Sashari and Hoshiro, looking at them with hurt faces.

"Found them." Sashari whispers, trying not to cry.

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