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"Yashina, meet Hoshiro." Ikuto says while Hoshiro nudges his head at Yashina, meaning hi.

"And this is Sashari." Yashina greets to Ikuto and Hoshiro.

It is lunch time at school. Yashina had met up with Ikuto and Hoshiro at their table and Sashari followed.

"When did you meet this hot chick?" Hoshiro whispers to Ikuto.

"You mean Yashina? I met her after that f*cking party you told me to go to. She helped me when I was drunk. She's a really nice friend." Ikuto said.

"So......she's just a friend right? Can I take her from you? her?" Hoshiro asks.

Ikuto lets out a sigh then said, " You just love to date random hot girls, right? Why can't you just have one true love? Anyways, I don't really care if you date her or not. She's just a friend. No biggie."

"Yo! Thanks dude!" Hoshiro smiles.

Meanwhile at the same time, Sashari was whispering to Yashina.

"Yashhiiinnnaaaa............" Sashari stretches out her name.


"You never told me you met a hot guy!!! When you guys meet? What relationships do you have together? Did you guys have sex? Has he kissed you???" Sashari says anxiously.

"Whoa whoa whoa. Back your roll! We're just friends!! Friends, ok? We met when Ikuto came out of a party and was drunk. I brought him back to my house and letted him rest for a while." Yashina explains.

"So did you do anything to him? Did anything happen between you guys?!" Sashari continues anxiously.

"I told you no!" Yashina said. "Although, there was that time when he fell on me..........." Yashina mumbles to herself.

"What was that?" Sashari asks.

"Huh?? Oh nothing. I didn't say anything!!" Yashina lies then puts on a fake smile.

"So I can ask him out right? Cause I think I may......have a crush on him." Sashari blushes.


"Hey." Hoshiro says and gets the girls' attention. "Want to go to a bar? You know, hang out and stuff. The start of a new friendship."

"Sure. I'm free after school." Yashina says.

"Me too." Sashari replies.

"How about you, Ikuto? Are you coming?" Yashina asks.

"Yeah, cause you're going." Ikuto says and smiles at her.

Yashina blushes and turns her head away. For some reason she was really glad and happy that Ikuto was going to come. But why?

After school, they all waited for each other till everyone was here and walked to a bar call "Susy's Bar". Once they enter, they sat at a table and ordered their drinks. When they got their drinks, each had at least three glasses then decided they were done. However, Ikuto keeps drinking. One glass after another.

"Ikuto, you should really stop. You don't want to get drunk like last time and I had to bring you to my house. Just please stop." Yashina says worry.

"He can't." Hoshiro says to Yashina.

"What? Why not?"

"For some reason he got a failing on his math test. He's so frustrated. Ha! I don't get it. I always get bad grades and I'm not a bit mad. Kind of used to it." Hoshiro said.

"Oh my god! He looks sick. His face is all red. Let me take him to my house." Yashina says.

"No. I can bring him home. I know the way to his house. More convenient." Hoshiro said.

When Hoshiro said that, for some reason Yashina's heart was hurting.

"No! I'll take him! I bet you're not even going to help him heal!" Yashina yells at him.

"Whoa. Calm down. Sorry, ok?" Hoshiro says shock.

"Yashina?" Sashari says quietly at her with hurt eyes. "Are you ok?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. I got to go." Yashina says and puts one of Ikuto's arm around her neck then walks away.

While Yashina walks to her house, she thinks to feels nice. Ikuto's warm arm against my neck. Ikuto's strands of hair touch my cheek, swaying. What is this sensation? Why does my heart feel warm and beating so fast? This same thing happened before, when we first met. It's dayshavoo.

When Yashina got to her house, she placed Ikuto on her bed. Yashina was about to take Ikuto's arm off her neck when Ikuto pulled Yashina with his arm onto the bed. Yashina is now on top of Ikuto. Ikuto puts his arms around her back and pulls her closely to him. His body was warm and Yashina could feel his breathing of his chest. She also feels his breath blowing softly against her ear.

"What......are you doing??? Stop it." Yashina says blushing madly. I'm telling him to stop but why do I feel like I don't want him to stop? Why does it feel so good? Yashina thought.

Ikuto looks at her drunkly then says, "Don't you love this feeling? I do. Your body feels warm and nice."

Ikuto then wraps his legs around Yashina's. Yashina felt a big lump against her lower private part and blushed when she figured out what it was.

"Ikuto. I need to heal you. You're drunk. You should get some sleep then take a shower, k?" Yashina says about to get off Ikuto.

"Then can you sleep with me? I'll get better faster if you slept next to me." Ikuto says then hiccups.

"Ikuto..............I can't. It looks wrong, and we're just friends." Yashina said then walks out of the room and closes the door.
Yashina stands by the door then thinks, Am I right? Are we actually just friends? Or......are we something more??

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