"Yeah, I'm fine" I try to laugh it off, "like, why wouldn't I be fine? I'm just tired, that's all, just tired, very tired"

Nathan chuckles, "you're rambling, what's up?"

"Nothing, I'm just tired" I shrug nonchalantly.

"Yeah, you might've mentioned it"

"You should go have a shower"

"Is that that bra I bought you?" he asks with a smirk, ignoring me completely as he pulls the duvet that's covering me down a few inches to get a better look at the 'bra' (and obviously not anything else).

"Yeah" I say flatly as I pull the duvet up over my chest again.

"It's looks good" he grins, letting his fingers graze over the straps that sat on my shoulders, the blood red a stark contrast to my pale skin, "you look good"

His nose nudges mine before he starts kissing me again and I automatically move my hands to his neck, my fingers playing with the short baby hair at the nape. Once again, I am reminded that I am still turned on, that tingling sensation deep in my core spreading as the warmth of Nathan's hands creeps over my skin. Over my shoulders, then my back, his fingertips brushing the length of my spine. But he doesn't stop when he reaches the base, and with one hand firmly on the small of my back, the other slides down to grasp the flesh of my bum before I can even think to stop him.

"Holy shit" he half-breathes, half-groans in surprise against my mouth as he pushes me backwards so that I am lied flat on the bed and he's lied on top of me. The duvet is a layer between our bodies but Nathan's hand is still firmly planted on my bum. I'm embarrassed because I know that he's caught me out but I'm also pissed that the fucking duvet is causing a barrier between me and Nathan's body.

"You're naked" he adds, before he lifts his head up to look at me properly, "why are you naked?"

"I'm not naked" I argue, "I'm wearing a bra"

"Well, why is the rest of you naked?"


"Because... it is" I mumble a pathetic argument as I avoid eye contact.

"Because you took your clothes off"

"Well, yeah, no shit" I switch into sarcastic and defensive mode, "jesus, you don't normally complain about it"

"I'm not complaining" he chuckles, "it's just... suspicious, given that I'm not here"

"You are not the only reason I take my clothes off, okay?" I scoff, "I take my clothes off to get changed, and have showers... and stuff"

"So why are they off now?" he's still grinning because now he knows that he's caught me out, he just doesn't know what he's caught me out on yet.

"Because... I was getting changed"

"If you were getting changed, why were you sat in bed?"

"Why do you ask so many questions?" I retaliate.

"Because you won't even look me in the eyes" he laughs, "you're totally hiding something"

I can't even argue with him because he's right, and I know he's right, and he knows he's right. I hate it when he's right.

"What are you hiding?" he smirks, the hand that was on my bum now wandering. I try to stop the wandering but I'm too late. His hand has already swept over my centre and felt how wet I am.

"Oh my God!" he exclaims, his features filling with smugness whilst my face turns redder than my bra, "you were getting yourself off"

"I wasn't-"

Nathan and Sophie OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now