The Scandalous Deal

Start from the beginning

"Baby, I've been looking everywhere for you." those were the words that echoed in my ear drums as he strode towards me. His tone sounded relieved and satisfied. My pupils dilated at his statement. What on Earth has possessed him to call me his 'baby'. I turned around, wide-eyed and harshly mouthed 'are you insane?'. He ignored me and walked deeper inside the room, stopping right beside me. He rested his long arm on my shoulder and pulled me closer to his built physique until we were sticking to one another. The touch made my blood boil and heart rate increase. I tried to push him off but he wouldn't even budge.

"Sugarplum, we can play later. Now isn't the time." I gasped. The double meaning behind his statement made want to dislocate his head from him neck. His mother stayed silent the entire time but she had a shocking grin plastered on her face. I tried to pull off the arm he placed on my shoulder, because of the sudden burning sensation I received from his unnecessary touch. He was persistent, and his arm remained.

"So, it is true?" she asked, eyeing our every movement. I needed to get him off of me, now.

"Yes, it is, mother. I'm sorry I haven't told you earlier, but Angel Face here was too shy. Don't you just love 'em when they get all cute and bashful?" he imitated a pouting child and at that moment, the business man was replaced by the teenage boy.

What nonsense was he speaking? Angel Face? Baby? Sugarplum? He was going mad, that was for sure.

"No, what-" he cut off my sentence once again.

"Oh, stop being modest, cupcake, I can tell my mother already loves you!" I stared at him blankly and he smirked in victory. I was wondering in fear if he had any mental issues. He wasn't okay. His mother on the other hand looked ecstatic. She rose from her seat and clapped her hands in delight.

"Oh, finally. I'm so proud of you, Ryder. I knew you would come to your senses one day and settle down. Any girl who knocked some sense into that thick head of his, is loved by me." my eyes were still as wide. What was going on? What was he doing? Was he out of his mind? What drug was he on?

Never have I ever seen her smile like that. I can simply say that she adored her son more than anything. I still haven't uttered a word; too startled and shocked to speak. She, out of nowhere,  enveloped me into a bone crushing hug and my breath caught in my throat, shocked. At first, my arms didn't move, but then my brain registered what was happening and I accepted the gesture and patted her back awkwardly. I saw Ryder's smirk widen and I glared venomously at his soon-to-be-dead body.

"All right well, I'll let you both go. I'm sorry for taking your time, you were supposed to be gone but. . ." I mentally gasped at her words. She apologized. Ms. Williams, the merciless boss, apologized to me.

"I-I it's okay, Ms. Williams." I stuttered then coughed awkwardly managing cover it up. I feared collapsing at any moment. He was going to pay for this.

"Oh please, call me Marilyn. We're practically family now." she winked and I almost choked on my saliva. Being referred to as his girlfriend was in no way tolerable and being referred to as his family wasn't either.

"Goodnight, Marilyn." addressing my boss by her first name felt utterly foreign rolling out of my tongue.

"Have fun, you two lovebirds." I forced a smile then exited the room and waited for him outside. He was a dead man.

A couple of minutes later, he exited, accompanying me in the whole way but not before closing the door after him. I was about to speak but he beat me to it.

"I can explain," those were his first words, and probably his last.

"I'm listening," I crossed my arms over my chest and beckoned for him to continue. I caught sight of the time on my watch and widened my pupils. It's been almost thirty minutes since my shift was over and I was going to be late.

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