Rose Perfume and Spring Conditioner

Start from the beginning

Lily rolled her eyes. Potions was definitely not James's strong point.


Lily was drifting off into nothingness as she watched James lazily stir the potion. Her thoughts and intoxicatingly smells drifting around her pulling her into daydreams.

"One hundred and fifty two.... One hundred and fifty three..."

"Five minutes left class!" Slughorn yelled from his desk. This got Lily's attention, as well as James. They both bolted up as if they'd just been awoken from a deep sleep.

"Hurry Hurry." Lily said, realising they weren't even nearly done. James's stirring became ridiculously fast and he was done in an instant. "I hope you counted that properly." Lily worried.

"I did." James snapped, sick of her contradicting his every move.

"Whatever. Quickly, help me chop up these rose thorns.'


They had approximately a minute left and they'd only just thrown in the last ingredient. Which left them about thirty seconds to attempt to fix any mistakes they'd made.

James peered into the cauldron.

"Is it meant to be this... pink?" He questioned, seeming generally curious. Lily rolled her eyes.

"Of course, it's Amortentia you idiot." Lily replied. James threw his hands up in defense.

"Just checking." He glanced back up at Lily. "Shall we?"

She clutched her heart dramatically.

"We shall." They both leaned in, ready to inhale the intoxicating smell of amortentia.

They both inhaled.


"Well, I can't smell a damn thing!" He cried. Falling back into his chair through defeat.

Lily looked gobsmacked.

"Impossible! I'm sure I got this right." She argued.

"Well obviously not." James replied.

"Perhaps if you'd been more careful with your stirring." She contradicted.

"What about you wasting precious time to mope about being stuck with me and how horrible I am." James snapped. "Maybe then we'd have actually had time to check our progress?"

"Well perhaps I could actually smell something if you didn't use bucketloads of that stupid conditioner this morning." Lily said, trying to lower her voice to not bring so much attention to their work bench. Although it was in vein because she could already see Sirius smirking out of the corner of eye. Git. Did he think this was a joke?

James however, didn't seem fazed by the growing pair of eyes pointed on them.

"I wouldn't be the one to talk, the amount of rose perfume you're wearing is giving me an asthma attack." He replied curtly.

"Oh come on James, I ran out of that perfume a week ago!" Lily pointed.

"Yeah well, I didn't even wash my hair this morning because Sirius was hogging the bloody bathroom!"

Lily's eyes widened and her face fell. James seemed to still not put two and two together.

Slughorn had arrived at their table in no time. Clearly hearing the squabble from the other side of the classroom.

"What's all this fuss about?" He glanced at Lily and James who both didn't seem to be able to speak. Slughorn raised an eyebrow. "Yes, a questionable pair as I thought. All the same, your potion must be checked." He leaned forward to take a sniff. His face relaxed.

"Ah yes, fresh lemons." He looked. "Perfectly brewed as always miss Evans." He congratulated before moving on towards the next bench.

Lily still seemed frozen. James still looked confused.

"I think old Sluggy's off his rocker. All I can smell is your perfume still, how is it the potion is-" Something struck on James's face. "Oh," was all he managed to mutter.

Sirius couldn't contain his laughter anymore. He exploded into a fit of 'manly' giggles.
"You should really thank me for spending extra time on my hair this morning Prongs or we'd never had found out how Evans felt about you."

After waiting a few moments of silence. Sirius tried again, this time waving a hand in front of his best mates face.

"Oi Evans, I think you broke James."

She couldn't help but laugh.

{ Can I get an award at how fast I updated. This is what inspiration and holidays does. In other news, can you guys please comment your favourite fics I've written in this collection because I wanted to give a little index at the start so people could skip to some of the better ones if they don't want to trudge through some of the more dodgy ones I wrote at the start :). COMMENT WHAT YOU THINK LOVELIES ☺️ }

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