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Always remember,

that despite life is uncertain and having ups and downs.

There will always be that “someone” who will be at your side whatever the pain they are suffering,

The longing they are feeling,

and the challenges they are facing.

They will be at your side,

whatever the cost is,

even if they trade their life for it.

Losing someone that you really treasure. Losing someone who takes good care of you. Losing someone you’ve known for so long and losing someone that you really really love is like a knife that slowly thrusting at your side of your body, so painful.

The life of my Mom and Dad is one of a kind. Struggling to keep me alive, fighting for their love ones, taking million miles away just to save and to regain their love again. I can say that both of them are really a great fighter for love.

GOD provided me with a happy and complete family since then. I know Dadad is a gangster, a gangster who didn’t fight ALL THE TIME, he just fight IN TIMES OF NEED, he’s not that strict but he’s overprotective! He’s a silent man, a man of few words indeed! He works at his office efficiently and effectively but he never ever fails a single event of my life. Birthdays, Graduation, Swimming Competition and etc. He loves Momom very very very much; I know that because he always shows that he loves her and us. He takes good care of her even he’s sick.

My Mom is a sweet, simple and adorable woman. She always smiles brighter than the sun. It seems like she doesn’t have any problems.  She also fights but she’s not a gangster. She knows how to use her favorite Katana. She takes care of Dadad always, treasuring every moment of everyday. She loves taking pictures even in some ordinary days and putted it in the album. She’s a full time wife and a very hands-on mother.

I have also a Lola, a great Lola who takes good care of me since I was born. She’s the grandmother of Dad. My great great grandmother! :D She has a big beach house where I was made. (?) We always visited her there if were so suffocated by the pollution in the city @_@ She cooks deliciously! :D

Of course, my Tito Hayden and Tita Mommy Jaxith. A lovely pair next to my Dadad and Momom. They always have this cute little fight if they’re together. Tita Jax is so talkative. Sssh. :P They married two years after my parents’ wedding.  They have a son, which eventually my first cousin, his name is Axen. :)

My other Tito Jansen married to one of Mom’s trusted person, Tita Kim! ^_^ Mom said, Tita Kim was the one who trained her to use a Katana. Great, right? Jazmine and Ezekiel are their twin children. But they are stable in California. =)


But that was 9 years ago.  

I’m Heaven Atasha Park and now I’m 17 years old turning 18 next month.

Many things changes. People may come and go.  Everybody grew up, of course. Today is a new generation, new environment, new challenges, new life with someone and new life without someone.

Lola died right after the 1st anniversary of Mom and Dad. She’s not sick; she just died because she’s old enough. At the age of 89 if I’m not mistaken.

HIAG BOOK TWO: I WON'T GIVE UP [FINISHED]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon