It may seem a little dramatic to get so worked up about something so trivial, but chances were that Josh and Tyler were back, or maybe even other vampires.

I kept thinking about how scared Gerard was earlier, he was completely shaken up about it and I think he still was, he was just putting on an act for the guys.

He tends to do that, even if we all know for a fact that he's feeling down or somethings bothering him, he just keeps up this act of being totally fine. I think that really gets to him, keeping a bunch of emotions bottled up inside is not a good thing and it's not healthy, even for a vampire.

I think that he puts everyone else in front of himself because he feels like his own emotion isn't important enough to bring someone else down.

Or it could be that he wants everyone to think that he's this big, bad, macho guy that doesn't feel.

Either way, it's not healthy and he needs to talk to someone.

"Hey Gee, why don't we go out somewhere this evening. Just you and me." We were sitting on the two seater recliner, far enough away from everyone else in the living room that they weren't paying any mind to us.

It's not that they couldn't hear us, they definitely could. Well, the inhuman ones out of the bunch. (I.E., not Tori.)

A small smile crept onto his face and he nodded once before messing with my fingers.

"What did you have in mind love?" I shrugged and stood up, pulling him with me.

"Let's just wing it. Put on some decentish clothes and we can just ride around, listen to some music in the car, stop at a cafe maybe. We just need to get your mind off things."

He sighed but agreed with me and we started walking towards the stairs.

We both went in our own rooms and I picked out a casual looking black skirt, and a red tank top. I also grabbed Gerard's leather jacket that I had kind of adopted as my own and pulled it on over my red tank top.

After I pulled on my boots I walked out of the room to see Gerard waiting for me in a black shirt, black jeans, and black shoes.

"Got enough black there Gee?" He rolled his eyes playfully and wrapped an arm around my shoulders.

"You can never have enough black my dear... and don't act so high and mighty. You usually wear all black, just because you're wearing a little red today it doesn't give you black bashing rights." His matter of fact tone made me laugh and I shrugged.

"Yeah yeah, I suppose I'm just as bad as you guys when it comes to that. But black is an awesome color!" He nodded his head in agreement with me and opened the front door for me after grabbing the keys off of the table beside the door.

"We're going out guys, we'll be back later. Tori, don't go wandering around outside by yourself, if those maulings are the products of other vampires, you're not safe outside alone. Get Frankie to go with you if you want to go somewhere." He volunteered Frank without asking but I think we all had a feeling that he wouldn't mind too much.

The smile on his face proved my thoughts correct.

We left the house and when we sat down in the car I put Enema of the State by Blink-182 in the CD player.

Gerard lightly sang along as we pulled out of the driveway and by the time we got into town we were both yelling the words as loudly and as off key as possible.

He parked the car in the Walmart parking lot and I looked at him questionably.

"Let's get some stuff. I don't know what kind of stuff yet, but let's get it." I laughed and go out of the car before joining him. He pulled a shopping cart out and motioned for me to get in it.

I climbed in, almost flipping the death trap over in the process, and settled down before nodding to Gerard to start walking.

After almost running over a couple of senior citizens, we got to the hair section of the store.

"I want to dye your hair, but I don't want you to see the color that I pick out. How much do you trust me?" He gave me a huge toothy smile and after contemplating for a few seconds I sighed and nodded.

"Go crazy. I trust you Way, don't screw it up." He fist pumped the air in victory and told me to close my eyes as he picked out a color. Or I suppose maybe colors.

After what seemed like forever he let me open my eyes and I saw that he put the box of hair dye under his jacket so I couldn't see. Hmm.

He started pushing the cart again and I inched my hand towards the jacket, hoping he wouldn't see.

He quickly slapped my hand away and I groaned. I know I said I trusted him, but surprises when it comes to my hair color isn't my thing.

"Fine. I won't touch it." He chuckled at me and grabbed a pack of water balloons as we walked past them.

"What are those for?" He grinned slyly at me.

"Frank has really been annoying lately, don't you think?" I laughed and nodded, picking the water balloons up and placing them on my lap.

He pushed the cart up to the check out thingy and I narrowed my eyes at the cashier when she winked at Gerard. I got out of the cart and went to his side before placing a kiss on his lips and pushing the cart towards the thing where all the other carts were.

A little childish I know but come on, a girl has to make it known that what's hers is hers.

When I walked back over he had already paid for everything and had a knowing smile.

"A little jealous I see."

I stared straight ahead and grabbed his hand.

"Not jealous, territorial."

Demolition Lovers (Gerard Way) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now