Chapter 30

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Kris looks up at the window I'm looking out of. He stared straight at me and I move to the side so he can't see me anymore. "What is wrong with me? I felt so scared," I thought.

After a few minutes I look out the window to see both boys are gone. I hear the front door opening and banging shut. "Oh gosh. He's angry," I thought. I see Baekhyun walk past the kitchen to his room. He slams the door shut and rattles the windows. I sigh.

I walk to his room and knock on the door. No reply. I knock again.

"GO AWAY! I SHOULD HAVE NEVER STARTED CARING FOR YOU!!!" he yells at me. I start tearing up. I walked - no, scratch that - I ran from the house.

I don't know where I was going until I ended up at the edge of the woods. I look around to make sure nobody was looking and ran in the trees. I didn't stop running until I saw the pond.

I started undressing down to my bra and underwear while walking to it. I was on the edge of the pond where the water washed onto the dirt. I started walking forward until the water was to my knees. The water was cold, but it felt better than the anger I was feeling to everyone at the moment. I started swimming around until I couldn't anymore and then I just floated around.

I was looking up at the clouds moving around. I was daydreaming of being able to fly up to the clouds when I heard a twig snap. I stop floating and look to where the sound came from. Standing there was the most beautiful creature I could imagine, a wolf.

I got out of the pond and slowly walked towards it. It moved back a bit, but I saw it limping. I felt hurt on the inside seeing the poor thing limping. I decided that I would care for it.

"Don't worry. I want to help you," I told it while walking towards it slowly with my hand out. I got close to it and it didn't back away. I put my hand on its head and it let me pet it. I sat down by its injured leg, seeing that it was a female, and examined it. Her leg looked broken, so I took my socks and tied them onto her injury and picked her up. On the way to the pond, I remembered seeing a hut, so I decided to bring her there instead of to my house, where I'd be questioned on why I had her.

I found the hut and set her on a bed that was there. I looked at everything that was in the hut to see if I could use it on her. I didn't find anything.

"Okay, girl, I have to leave for a bit, but I will come back for you, okay?" I told her. She looked at me with a hurt expression. "Don't worry. I just need to get some things to help you." She looked a little better when I said that. I smiled at her and went towards the door. "Stay here. Don't leave so that I can come back to help you." And with that, I walked out the door and headed towards the direction I came from to get out of the woods.

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